Oops! This is not a valid message board. Nice try however. hehe! Not good Guilds and shops are gone. deleted
Yeah thats whats happening to meh I was like wth thats not my account. Well I'm gonna change my pass and wait it out. Dang anyone got the link for user prefs?
Im am soooooooo excited for when the boards get back up!! There gonna be crazzy!!! My guilds been deleted >.> All my neofriends are frozen.
Yes. I had 25mil in the bank and 500k on hand, I deposited it into the bank and now some how I have 25.5mil and 500k on hand o_o
Yeah nothing is working not the games, shop wizard, boards, everythings glitched out. Someone's trying to hack neo again?
Weird. I wonder if i can do that..... Do you know exactly how the glitch works? I want to try it out.
Yeah... Prolly someone by the nameof "aray" got into one of TNT usernames with a CG and then most likley made it so every userlookup you go to, it goes to theirs...
Yup. Sounds alot like Kaos. Probaly isnt though. I want monies.... *continues to try and get the glitch to work*