I posted this on another forum also.. if you see it, i AM Kaden from that forum =). Hey Peeps. Well, I thought "Why not post something useful as one of my first posts". And, Here, I hope it is. This is not a Tutorial as such, but there could possibly be a lot learned from this program. this here is the read me. it contains a little info about the program, and about myself. If anyone is interested in what i have made, or wishes to know a little about what you could modify this into, or just want to make a comment, then post ahead =D Essentially, this is a basic program that shows how some of the functions of ZerO's httpWrapper works. Most of the Hard work is handled by his coding, and without it i wouldnt have even bothered in making this You may be able to think of a few more things. there are MANY other things you could use this for. you could even modify this to visit the healing springs or something. I have also made a simple daily doer using a similar framework to this. If anyone is interested in learning about that, I can post the source, or even make a tutorial on how to do it. if you have ANY comments, please post. (Constructive criticism is welcome).