I know...ughhh...I am thinking that they possibly won't release them at all...I remember when I picked up a Koi on Koi day, they were being released in bursts throughout the day...there literally has been nothing all day, aaaand the free training at the training school is available so it is not like they are totally forgetting Lutari day... Cry
There is a lot of chatter on the boards about the possibility of opening up Lutari Island and making the Lutari creatable like the Grundo...personally I think this is a great idea...whether that is actually going to happen is another matter entirely EDIT: JellyNeo has some info on their front page - and the banner kind of indicates that L.I might become accessible.. " maybe if whe follow them we'll know where they hide" and the plot thickens...
I want a lutari too, sigh... I love pink ones! I don't care if they make them available like grundos, I'm not interested in them being "special" or hard to get... I just like them...
Me too. I like them for what they are Also, where's the news?? I don't seem to see or {Or I skimmed and missed it?}
News is out today, I don't think any Lutaris are being released this year...sadly... I guess I will have to pray for a lucky lab zap :/
Well that was yesterday - the banner that was on JN makes it seem as though LI would be made accessible, buuuut apparently not, at least not yet... Sadly, the lutaris don't seem to want to come out to play this year....it is very cheap
It is cheap..>_> And im sure TNT well knows that people wants lutari, like literally. They take away mobile, they don't release lutaris..wtf is this?
It's a mindF@#$ that's what... buuut - they never said they would release them, although it only seems logical for them to find another way to influx the population of the Lutaris...ugh...I hope in the near future some are released somehow...they are so adorrrable!
They are!! I've wanted one since I came back to neo like 2 years ago *points to profile* Lutari has been on there since I joined NF.
LOL - a dream is a dream - anything can happen! But seriously I really hoped they would be out this year...ugh
I think I remember Jellyneo suggesting the possibility of a mini plot before the altador cup comes out. But I can't find any proof. If there is one maybe it will allow us to access lutari island.