So, im working on Jhudoras cloud after failing illusens at level 27. Ive been doing some re-search and looking into her items and what there worth. However, i still am yet to find a guide that tells me any in depth info or stats on the faeries quest. Im currently on level 25. I have a feeling that today is going to be my last day of buying "buyables". So my question to all of you, is : Do you think its worth continuing? Is it really possible of reaching the first good prize (toxic shroom, which is selling on TP for 5mill) What are my odds here? I mean can i really reach level 32 to make the neopoints back? I originally started just going for the avie. Id like to see some differ thoughts on the matter.. how far have you made it before she was asking for rare UBs? Now im stumped... to quest or not to quest lol What do you think?
Well I failed IQ on question 35 cause there were like 3 on TP and no one was online =_= I'd personally go against it. It's mainly about luck, except for the power-questers (people who collect and have hoards of r99s so that they can ultimately profit when they reach the last level).
Yeah, thats what happend to me with IQ .. damn trading post lol I just started to think about how many nps ive been spending on them and that last 90K item really put it in perspective for me. I mean even if you end up reaching toxic shroom ... its such a hard to sell item. There goes that idea. I dont want to keep going to make it one level before and lose out. Better off just saving the nps. Well thank you
I've sworn off both of the quests they always seem to screw me up. The quests are funny things, their accessible items ie. j-pot and honey potion are only really useful for the poor (as wealthy-ish people use g-bombs I'd imagine) but can only easily be completed by the rich aka r99 hoarders. Even the super rich have trouble reaching the upper echelons of the awesome items so they are just a money sink imo, might as well spend that time reselling or something you'll make more profit in the long-run
Ahh yes, well i finally gave up today have she wanted an item worth 350K and only 3 on TP gaak... o_0 Oh well. Should have learned from illusen lol Restocking seems like a better way to go
Realy Hard To finish this quest. People who finish it is just for the goal to finish it ! I know someone who spen lot of million just for the goal to finish it. ... you can't make np doing these quest...
You can make NPs on Jhudora's Cloud if your lucky and can find sellers online at the time. Illusens Glade is easier. But you might only make a few mill.
Im glad you posted this thread Im working on jhudorias quest. Right now im just after the avatar. But then saw all the other stuff she gave out. Im glad I saw this before I went too high
Ahh yes.. thats what i started her quest for as well, her avvie. Friend of mine if doing quite well.. just made silver trophy .. I didnt even get close Good luck to those of you continuing on. Maybe one day when im a neo billionaire ill try again MUHHAHA
If you dedicate to it, you will get the trophy eventually, you just have to be fast. If you are doing it for prizes on the other hand, it's not really worth it. You can try 100 times and still not get those r99 items. It's all about luck, and TP and auctions are your only bet.