What should I do? keep it on the account and leave it alone transfer? if yes, how? thanks kinda scared...first big ub
You might want to read this guide: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=17183 It gives you great options...I would do the little tip at the end. Just give it to a neofriend, wait for the account to be iced or something, and then accept.
how long have you been ABing? that....doesn't work anymore (at least it didn't when I tried it back in April)
i read the guide, but it never specified like when is it safe to transfer, so im kinda scared i only abed for like 30 mins
Was this your first time ABing and where did you AB? Might as well tell me which ABer you used and your settings. =P
i used au and this was the second day i was abing the buy time was about 2.3 seconds it was at stamp 5-9 seconds if over 11 6-10 seconds after every 30-50 refreshes pause for 45-100 seconds after a shop restock pause for 45-100 seconds after every 30-35 mins pause for 10-15 mins off topic question: do you recommend abing on 3 accounts on different times of the day using different proxies?
the account was about 11 months what do u mean it doesnt support proxies o.o? what is that little proxy insert for?
yup i think you're good just don't AB any more until like tuesday or something i think expon said something about it not working?...
That's pretty big :3 I just AB on a side and transfer to main a couple of days later. And i've never been frozen soo :/
I think expon fixed the proxy problems in version AU4.0... although I'm not really sure since I don't use proxies :X
What happened when you tried? Oh, and post result!! I wondered what happened to the account...hope it didn't get the cold treatment.
Don't put it in your trades right away. I ABed three morphing potions in one day (oops) and at least three accounts got chain iced, including my main. >:[
Aye, I ABed once unattended and had my settings more conservative than pattyfatty's - set to refresh every 7 to 10 seconds always. But I must have gotten extremely lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) because I came back after two hours to find four morphing potions in my inventory. I was frozen the next day.
You should be totally fine autobuying at that rate, just don't keep it on for over 5 hours, shut it off after that, it'll hopefully stop you from being frozen.