Anyways, I just want to know what I did to get caught. Seems like they froze all accounts along that same IP address, because even shells that I did nothing with and created a few days ago got frozened. Note that I only used igloo ABer and a bumping grease monkey script. I advertised my shop when I sold pinatas on the boards, and I also posted on the boards when I wanted to buy lab map and what not. That is basically all the publicity I made towards myself. Did that get me caught since I thought freeze rates were pretty low for Igloo AB. Can someone tell me what I did wrong so I wont do it again
First off, this is the correct thread viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3837 Secondly, if your account that was iced has the same IP, has been logged onto with the same IP, has sent items to an account that has that IP, or has ANYTHING to do with the IP that got iced then they can and often do chain ice all your accounts. Sometimes it doesn't matter if the accounts have touched the IP they just know.
I'd guess if you're using any kind of cheat program, it's probably best not to post on the neoboards at all? Not with the same account anyhow. Sorry for your loss.