No, I'm serious. So I had work for 12 hours today. No wonder I'm tired as HELL and just wanna go home. So I have my bike and I'm almost home. Just need to cross this pretty trafficked road. I have sunglasses on and music in my ears. I check to see if the cars have a red light and it just turned red. I takes a second or so for the pedestrians light to turn green after theirs turned red (as you know ) so I just walk over. Someone suddenly screams, and I can't even know what's going on. A car going REALLY fast takes a red light and I can literally feel it touching me. It ran over my foot. If I didn't just notice the car and stopped suddenly, it would've hit me. I'm still in chock. Broken foot, but hey. I'm alive. Oh. my. god. I don't even know what to feel. Pretty sure it would've killed me or something with the rate it was going :O
Glad you know you are safe like charlie said. That must have been very intense D: Did the driver stop to check on you?
That is not cool. A broken foot is better than the alternative, but not pleasant anyway. Did they catch the driver? I don't imagine the driver would have stopped, if it was speeding through a red light.
Wow ! Glad you're ok, and lucky you're still alive. Unfortunately, I witnessed something similar to this, but the girls didn't had the chance you had. The driver killed 2 students right in front of me. This kinda reminds me of bad memories. :|
glad to hear you're ok. I got hit by a car once pretty hard, its not that fun lol. So good thing it was just your foot
Thanks guys! No, the driver didn't stop, not sure he even noticed me. Meh, it was a saturday night, I wonder if he was drunk actually. tharoux, oh my god, that sounds awful o.o!! I can't imagine how that is to witness
Wow. I'm glad you're okay. Broken feet are so annoying because you can't even get around properly. I hope yours gets better quicker than my did. My advice from the experience would be don't use it before it's totally healed. I kept re injuring mine because I would swim with it or try and walk without my crutches too soon. I was too impatient. I volunteer at the hospital and its amazing how many people come in after being hit in the cross walk. One would think the numbers would be rather slim, but thanks too reckless drivers . . . Hope the guy gets caught before he hurts someone else. :/