Kad feeder Guide ..

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by pandahorde, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. pandahorde

    pandahorde Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
    Likes Received:
    *First off, you do not have to be verry rich.*
    *Second, you do not have to buy unbuyables.*
    *And third, no, it's not impossible.*
    it's possible with any connection,
    even dial-up!)

    Restock Time Info.!!
    Go into the boards (Games) and look for the "Kadoatery" boards. Go there and read around for a page or two, the times are CONSTANTLY, and I repeat CONSTANTLY posted on each page. Look for them before you ask, it makes them less annoyed and they're more willing to help you. These boards are running 24/7 and even during the morning periods when most of us are sleeping. Appreciate the fact that everyone helps anyone and everyone so don't be rude to them.=D.

    I do not wish for anyone to neomail me concerning times. I will just direct you here and you'll have to decide what to do.

    Common Kadoatery FAQ's
    Where is the Kadoatery?


    The shortcut for me (and most feeders) is my Kadoatery Trophy. Most feeders actually add the Kadoatery page to their favourites/link folder so it's easily accessible.=)

    Why do the Kadoaties sometimes cry?

    If you didn't know, The Neopets Team goes home at 11:00PM NST. At that time, they turn off the lights, and Kadoaties don't like the dark. So they cry. It doesn't affect restock time or anything for that matter. It's just extra details. It's cute.

    What are the prizes for feeding a Kadoatie?

    For feeding 1-9 Kadoaties, you'll get the bronze trophy, 10-24 for the silver, and 25† is the uber spiffy gold trohpy. At 75 feeds is the ultra cool, ultra cute, ultra pink Kadoatery - Mew! avatar!!!

    Common Methods of Feeding Kadoaties
    There are 3 methods used to feed the Kadoaties: Inventory (highly recommended), Safety Deposit Box (SDB), and Shop Wizard (SW).


    The first method is inventory, and possibly the easiest. All you really have to do is pick some good items to put into your inventory and if that item appears. Just click! Now, of course, you shouldn't just pick any item. If you have bad memory, try keeping simple items like the example. I decided to keep all "chia pops" and all "fruit" items. Try mixing a few varieties and see how it goes.=)

    Safety Deposit Box

    The second method is SDB. This is highly recommended. By buying the item before-hand, you'll save neopoints and time. Because your SDB will never have any banners or images or music or flashy backgrounds, it will always load faster than Shop Wiz. Just copy & paste the item into your sdb and quickly withdraw it. Most feeders have at least 500 items in their SDB and of course you don't have to have that many but in the end, you could always sell the unfed food.=)

    Shop Wizard

    The last method is shop wizard. What you do is copy and paste the name into the shop wizard search box and then buy it quickly from the shops. I, personally, do not like SW because it can be very expensive because the shop keepers tend to overprice things and also because it's just not as fast. If you happen to come across a shop with tons of banners and images, it would be unfortunate.=(.

    How Do the Restock Times Work? Can you explain the Kadoatery Boards?
    The feeding times for the Kadoatery is (somewhat) organized. It restocks every 30-45 minutes. When you first log on in the morning/evening/night, go on the boards into Games section and look for the Kadoatery" boards. The boards usually have stars in the title. The Kad boards are a 24 hour board and there are always people there and they're always willing to help. (Tip: Try looking for the restock times in their neosignatures or past posts before you ask.) It also restocks on the minute if you know what I mean (TNT likes to be on time=)). An example refresh time would be 12:35:00 AM. Now that TNT have added a live clock on the sidebar, it's a lot easier to know when to refresh.=)

    Kadoatery Board Terminology

    Okay, so you've found the board, but they seem to speak a different language (kidding!). Well, because of the nature of feeding, a lot of feeders have decided to give some acronyms and nicknames to some of the terms being used. They ones below are the most commonly used by the boards.

    HN/hn=Had nothing
    CF/cf=Congrats feeders
    SDB/sdb=Safety Deposit Box
    SW/sw=Shop Wizard
    Main=Main Kad Restock
    Mini=Mini Kad Restock
    BDE/bde=Blue Draik Egg (Good thing TNT took this off the food list=P)
    MKIC/mkic=Mint Kyrii Ice Cream

    You may also noticed something like this on the boards when asked when's the next restock time:

    Main : xx // Mini : xx

    What is the main and what is the mini? Well, the main restock is when the majority of the Kadoaties get fed. It's just the regular restock time. The mini only happens when an item get fed a few minutes before or after the main restock. Let's say the main restock went at :00, and then someone fed a Blue Draik Egg at :15. That's 15 minutes after the main. Because it was fed at a different time than the rest of the Kadoaties, it will then have its own restock cycle. Usually, minis usually only consist of 1 or 2 Kadoaites although there have been cases when there were 4! The minis and main will eventually merge into one main restock again.

    Miscellaneous FAQ's
    What kind of foods do the Kadoaties eat? Do they eat anything and everything?

    The Kadoaties do not eat slushies, candies, baked goods, gross foods or anything you get from Tombola or Pick Your Own. (Note: The food list is incomplete because I just don't have the time to list them all for you, I will eventually do it but not right now. I'm extremely busy.)

    Why do people still feed the Kadoaties? Don't they already have the avatar?

    Yes, they prolly do have the avatar but feeding, like everything else on Neopets, is a game. They're welcome to feed until they feel like stopping which may be never. If you find it is unfair, well to be honest, there's nothing you can do. Just keep working your skills and you'll get it too. And once you're feeding a few Kadoaties everyday, you'll soon see why it's so addicting and attractive.=)

    I just want to point out, now that I'm on the subject, nobody needs a reason to feed. Any reason is good. Heck, if you want to feed those greedy Kadoaties because you like to throw away nps then go ahead! I admire you! I wish I had the time/nps to do that!=)

    When do you get a real Kadoatie from the Kadoatery?

    It was a rumour by TNT, not corrected until much later. So there, nobody's feeding for the Kadoatie, they're all feeding for fun! Yay!

    Some Helpful Hints/Tips to Think About (Or To Try!)

    Now, I'm sure a lot of you think that you would have to buy everything up there. Silly, no you don't. Pick a few from each list and hopefully you'll get lucky. If you noticed, the list for "normal" food is quite long compared to the others. That means those occur the most, so try buying some items from the Food Shop. Now, if you do decide to keep items in your inventory, try to keep under 48. I personally like to keep 45 because once I had to buy 4 items, but it's your choice and pick whatever's good for you. Don't keep more than 50, you can get your inventory erased. But also because you're cheating, and while everyone else is feeding the honest way, you're taking the shortcut. Don't do that. When you feed 75, you'll be glad that you did it the honest way.=)


    By similar items I mean, same food group. For example, if you looked in the example above, you see there are a different variety of foods. Why not try keeping all "Jacket Potato" or all "Chia Pops" or all "Cake". By keeping similar items in your inventory, you would have no doubt in your mind whether you have that certain variety or type. Just click!=D


    If you see that you have nothing that the Kadoaties want, and there's still a lot of items left, don't pick common food. Examples would be most of the health foods, and neocola and such. Try to pick the most uncommon names such as Kiko Lake food or Space food. Those are usually left for last, they're the ones I always buy because everything else is always taken first. Meridell foods is another uncommon one. I wouldn't recommend buying Faerie foods as I keep them in my sdb for quick withdrawal. If I do this, I'm sure tons of people do it.


    I know it may seem taht they'll be fed by the time you have the item, but trust me, sometimes that does not happen. I once bought three separate items to feed to 3 different Kadoaties, I don't know how I did it, but I was able to get one. Another time, there was only one Kadoatie unfed, and I managed to get that one. Other times, I see a few that nobody fed and I think, "Someone will probably feed it, I shouldn't try." Well, I refreshed like 15 times and nobody fed it. In the end, I was able to feed it. So you see, don't stop trying just because someone fed yours.


    It's not a huge deal but it does play a factor in the number of Kadoaties you can get. During peak hours, I'd say 3-6 NST, is when all the parents are home from work, all the kids are home from school, and those times can be quite frustrating. A little goes a long way but when there are a few hundred people trying to feed every restock, it can get tiring. 10:00 NST which is around 1 AM Eastern, and at that time, the Aussies are just waking up, the people are tired and tend to be slower. I'd recommend those hours because they tend to work well for beginners. As we all know, we can't all stay up late just to feed Kadoaties, try find a good time for yourself. I can't say the times are accurate but hey, it worked for me.=)


    A lot of people ask me how much nps did I spend feeding all those kadoaties. I will rarely say how much, but a lot of the items I buy are cheap. If you are to buy items, stick to ones that are 5000 nps or less. You can also win foods from quests. If you're doing Edna's quest for the avatar, save those worthless spooky foods because I see those too and it's a great way to feed since they're so cheap. The esophagor gives out spooky foods too.=). Other games includes include Test Your Strength (spooky foods), Sakhmet Solitaire (desert foods), and dice-a-roo (normal foods).

    Now I know a lot of you think it's close to impossible to feed even one Kadoatie, but I assure you it is not. I used to think the same way so I know. After I got my first 2, I realized it's not that hard. Now with a lot of the feeders having avatars and retiring from the game, it shouldn't be too hard. Just keep trying. You won't succeed (or fail) if you don't try.

    Even if there were a million Kadoatie guides out there (and there prolly are, lol), you won't feed any unless you try. Experience is the best teacher and she'll teach you better than any guide can ever teach you. Just learn the basics, and try it out and eventually you'll get it. I learned to feed when there were NO guides out, no food lists, no tips, no Kadoatery board, nothing..
  2. omgcat

    omgcat Level IV

    Jan 31, 2007
    Likes Received:
    WOW great guide!! +rep to you!!
  3. leezy

    leezy Level II

    Jan 14, 2007
    Likes Received:
    *cough* i already made one not too long ago
  4. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    seen that guide before, thats definately a Copy/Paste job
  5. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    another great guide even if it's pasted ;) +rep