KeyQuest is now available to all users, premium or not!! This will also help deflate some expensive consumable items, as it has been reported to give stamps, neggs, codestones, wearables, & books. More information on KeyQuest : KeyQuest Home : However, some people seem to be having trouble loading the game...I personally couldn't get it to load on IE or FF. Edit: It seems to not work in "peak" hours, sort of like NeoQuest at first. Try again in an hour or two to see if it works, I guess the servers can't handle everybody yet.
Yeah, it got stuck on Connecting for me. And the page where you get your free game piece or whatever it's called came up as a 404 for me.
I've been playing it during the closed beta. It is soooo boring. But it does seem to kick out a good bit of neopoints. The cap has been 2500 nps and you can get that in one 5 key game. I think the vault was opened for a bit, I've never gotten in though.
I cashed in 2 gold keys today (what you get for winning a match). First prize was junk, second included 2 codestones and a purple negg =O
I think its a fun game, like the mini games, and the fact its bringing downcodestone prices !!! Good stuff !
Wow, I looked on that Sunnyneo site and this game looks like a lot of fun! I'll try it out after lunch LOL
do you guys think the codestones wil re inflate ever again .... the prices have dropped not mch yet since this has been available.. im just wondering how much it wil drop.
if they kep being handed out like they are, the price will continue to drop a few more thousand. id project 3k each is very plosible and soon to come.
that would be great spend like 2 mill on codestones at 3k a peice and wait till they inflate and your looking at 6-7k profit on each codestone alone.
They're going to keep giving them out though... so they'll never really inflate until keyquest is gone...
oh yeah that kinda sucks lol... so much for that then. Do any of you actually enjoy the keyquest game. i think its alright but it gets boring fast
I like the game also, although Im getting tired of sore losers ditching out before i win.... that aspect is ruining the game for me.
It's down a lot. First time I won, I got two codestones, a book and a negg. Pretty easy to make money if you're bored and willing to be patient.
they need to make it so if people leave after x time, say 5min you win auto, I've lost about 3 gold keys that way also how hard would it be to make an auto player for this game