Yeah i recently bought this and i enjoyed playing it for those 56hours it took me to complete it xD So what do you guys think of it ? I like it, i like the new disney things they included and i love the forms The way you get weapons is semi lame and the weapons basicly sucks O_O the new synthesises rawks
I want to play this game so badly. I'm currently saving up for one. I have played chain of memories tho. I thought it was ok, didn't really like the gameplay.
Bah Disney I would love that game if it just didn't have Disney characters. That ruins it big time for me.
Yeah I want to get that game as well. I used to play the first game chain of mermories a long time ago and found it really good.
Yes its worth buying! If I were you though, play the first one first, then play the second one. It will help it make more sence . But yes, its deffinatly worth buying
Re: Bah Disney They actually did really good with this game. Fortunetly Squaresoft was smart in that they bought the rights to use the disney chars, but would not let disney anywhere near the creation of the game. Played 1 & 2, loved em both
I also played KH1 and KH2. They have become two of my favorite games of all time. The second one was a pain in the arse. It got to be a bit repetitive when you'd have to go back to a world 2 or 3 times...