So... tomorrow's Krawk day! It's my forst Krawk Day in Neopia... does anyone now if there will be special events going on that I should know of? I don't think Krawks will be avalable to create, will they? Thanks! :funky:
Nahh probably new krawk items, new krawk colors. But they never release krawks xD The usual should get hyped for lutari day instead
new colors, the zombie one actually looks pretty decent. i have a feeling they might actually do something with releasing draiks/krawks though, to counter that ridiculous inflation D:
Yea chances are no krawks will be released :nope: But there was a mistake on TNT's part on 09/09/09 where they released 4000 Draiks for creation; haha you never know, being as "careful" as they are maybe it'll happen again :maha:
I actually don't like draiks at all... krawks... well, they're cute, but not so much to be worth what they're going for, at least for me But yeah, I love lutaris, they're cool! They can't be pounded or transfered though, can they? So the account you create them in, they have to stay there, right?
Are you talking about draiks/krawks? If so, they can be traded/pounded; your account just has to be above a certain age to do so (4 months I believe).
No they're talking about Lutari's. You cannot disown a lutari because it will "run away". Also trying to "transfer" the pet has the same thing. Heh..
Yep, was talking of lutaris. That's a shame you can't transfer them if you switch accounts or whatever... but well, I guess thats Neopets...
draiks/krawks are seriously overrated o.o i mean, sure, the old UC ones looked nice, but the converted ones are so ugly D:
I totally agree with you, especially the converted Royal Draiks/Krawks: they are so fugly it's ridiculous :nope: The UC ones are absurdly expensive now though :|
I hope they release Lutaris`this year....I am going to be on the hunt tomorrow! I want one so bad, they are sooo cute! <3 <3