Is there anything i can do to upgrade my currently kinda useless laptop? Its an Acer Aspire 5742 but apart from that im not sure the specs of it
The usual thing people do is upgrade the RAM. I you dont know how to do it, you can take it to your local computer shop and they will do it for you
I've taken two laptops apart and finding the ram of both of them was relatively easy. So was taking it out and putting it back in. I did it without the help of the internet, but I recommend doing a quick Google search to figure out how to do it safely and find what RAM is best for your computer. Another way to improve is to trade your HDD for and SSD and use the HDD as an external hard drive. SSDs are way faster than HDDs.
how much does you lappy cost ? what are you trying to achieve by asking for upgrade ? * wad things you wan to play / run *
The only things you could update in it is the CPU, Ram and HDD. There arent any GPU upgrades. I would recommend buying a new laptop, and putting a SSD into the new one. Upgrading the Cpu would boost performance a little but you wont be able to run most of todays games at full screen highest quality off the cpu only.
Solid advice. You can probably upgrade the ram (2x1 --> 2x2, 2x4), but the other upgrades (video card + vram, HD space, etc) are easiest if you just buy a new computer.