I dont know how but my main account, my sisters account and my dads accounts on neopets have been frozen. Ive lost 2 million neopoints, a maxed out stat werelupe, mummy ruki, disco kougra and eletric kau. 127 stamps, size 490 shop and an account 13 months old. I also had 210 avatar, many game and item avatars. Im quiting here and quitting neopets forever. Later. Its just too much trouble to get back to were i was. My best account yet, dead.
I don't think so as 'roger_wabit' account is 35 months not 13. Any ways, sorry to hear that things like that do, unfortunately happen but after all, neopets is just a game.
its something like that but i dont know cause i know somebody that was like the exact same thing as you mentioned
Sorry to hear that it happened unfortunately things like that happened and if they think you cheating than they will freeze it and any accounts associated with that IP. It is unfortunate though. Best of luck in your new adventures.
I'm so sorry. Getting over a loss like this is tough. Your account was a lot better than mine, yet I was devasted when my account got frozen. Good luck dealing with it.
They froze my main with a worth similar to yours. Mine was 44 months old however, and i had alot of stuff i had collected over the years. But it doesn't really matter anymore because the reason i play neopets is to see what cool stuff i can AB.
Thats why youre here, to get help and give help at cheating. and getting richer then you was before you were banned.
i think the maxed out stat werelupe isn't something you can jsut get again, that takes alot of time and training. What were you frozen for anyway?
I guess I was frozen for autobuying. I suppose I deserve getting frozen, thats what i get for using the local library's computer. And as much as i would love to get back to where I was, i would never be able to earn the programs on here with such limited time. I can never replace the pixels I lost in such a short time as to gain my reputation back in the AC.