[LE] Faerie Bubbles

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Anfan, Oct 10, 2009.

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  1. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    <<Click here to play!>>

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    2,000+ | First Place | Second Place | Third Place

    Part 1, About the Game
    This game really doesn't have much of a background explanation necessary. Faerie Bubbles pop if you get 3+ of the same type. Goal of the game is to clear your screen of all buubbles, and by doing so go on to the next level. Whoop de do. Anyways...there are 6 different types of Faerie Bubbles, one for each element of Faeries there are in Neopia - Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Dark, Light.


    Besides these, there are 2 other types of bubble - rainbow and nova. Rainbow bubbles turn into the same color as whatever bubble they first touch (I don't know which they turn into if they touch multiple bubbles at once; feel free to PM me if you know confirmed). Nova bubbles pop all the other bubbles within a two-bubble radius of wherever they touch.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    However, I have had a strange glitch appear while playing Faerie Bubbles - the lesson learned here is that rainbow bubbles are flammable. xD


    Part 2, Scoring and Combos
    If you set up 3 bubbles together to pop, you score normal points - 1 point per bubble.

    If you set up more than 3 bubbles together to pop, you can score combo points - the normal points of 1 point per bubble plus additional points for scoring a combo.

    Some combos are good, helpful, yay. Some screw you over. Opposite bubble types (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Dark, Light) have opposite effects.

    Light bubble combos turn all the bubbles they touch into bubbles of the same type, then they fall off the screen. The type of bubble they turn into is random; sometimes this can be extremely helpful, sometimes it's extremely UNhelpful.

    Dark bubble combos are the opposite of Light. The dark bubbles not only stay on your screen instead of falling off, they also turn into random other types of bubbles. (One thing you'll notice is that in the earlier levels, they'll all turn into the same bubble type more frequently, in the later levels they all randomize to further irk you.)

    AIR BUBBLE COMBOS=BAD. YOU ARE CRAZY IF YOU LIKE THESE. What they do is kind of hard to explain. Basically, in this game, you have rows of bubbles. If there is an air bubble in a row, and that air bubble is part of your air combo, the rest of that entire row will get filled with random bubbles. This will screw you over. That is all. (At least the bubbles fall off the screen afterwards...this means that if your top row is full of air bubbles, all the new bubbles that are summoned will fall of your screen anyways.)

    Earth combos. Eh, these are mediocre. The Earth bubbles fall of your screen after making another row of bubbles appear at the top of your screen. This is bad if your bubbles are close to touching the bottom of the screen.

    Fire bubbles. These will save your life. They burn all the other bubbles they come into contact with, except for water bubbles, and then fall of your screen.

    Water bubbles. Inflammable, as mentioned above. If you get a water combo, all the water bubbles on your screen will fall off. Whoo!

    Also, you get bonus points at the end of each level, depending on how many shots it took you to clear the level. One shot to clear the level=250 bonus points. More shots, fewer bonus points. (This means you should not try to spend as much time on each level as possible; you'll pretty much always get more bonus points for using fewer shots than points from generating sets of 3 bubbles repeatedly.)

    Part 3, Interface and Gameplay


    Ahem. At the bottom of the screen is your cannon. This is what you fire bubbles out of. Obviously, you can tell what the type is of the next bubble you're going to fire, as well as the bubble immediately after that. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the cannon from side to side, and press the spacebar to fire the bubbles. Tip: Press the up arrow key to bring your cannon to a perfectly upright position; the same as the default position your cannon is at at the start of each level. This can be extremely useful when you need to fire to a particular location towards the center of the screen - if you fire a bubble with the cannon centered, and it's a row of bubbles that gets staggered off center, the bubble will land on the left. If you want to get it on the right, tap quickly to the right once (right arrow) key and you should be fine. :yup:

    At the top left of your screen is a little x. This is your control panel. Self-explanatory.


    Part 4, Losing the Game
    There are no lives in this game; basically you just lose when the bubbles on your screen touch the bottom of the screen. This can happen either if you have long rows of bubbles (which, btw, isn't very smart for gameplay)

    or if you've simply fired too many shots. See the black at the top of this screen? A new row of the shadowy black bars appears each time 5 bubbles are shot. It doesn't matter how long irl you take playing the game. Actual time doesn't matter. Another bar drops every 5 shots.

    In summary, bubbles touch bottom of screen=game over.

    Part 4, "Cheats"

    1) stardust: Gives you a Nova bubble. I recommend you save this for level 14, and if you manage to not use it then it'll certainly be helpful in later levels. n.n
    2) faerieland: Gives you a Rainbow bubble. Save this for level 15, see below for why.
    3) bubbles: Makes all the bubbles currently on your screen the same type. Again, save for level 15.
    4) slumberberry: Gets rid of all the black bars you have on your screen thus far. Try not to use this until level 19 if you can (you'll end up starting out with a longstring of bubbles, easy to lose the game quickly), but use it earlier if you must.

    Part 5, Level-By-Level Walkthrough

    Level 1:
    Yay, you have an aimer-thingy. (If you really need to, grab a clear ruler for later levels.) Enjoy it while you have it and defeat this level.

    Level 2:
    Again, not much to say. To maximize points, though, try to clear out all the bubbles except for the two sets of single bubbles in the first row (in my screenie, the fire bubbles), then turn that into a row of combos across the top row. (Press up to center your cannon, tap left to put a bubble there, repeat to the right, then press up again and fire the last bubble in the middle to set off a combo. Obviously, don't do this with Dark, Earth, or Air bubbles.)

    Level 3:
    Do-de-do. Another relatively easy level to up your points with; just take out those bubbles as you see 'em. ;)

    Level 4:

    Level 5:
    Finally, it's time to strategize a little. Always take out the side bubbles first (even if you choose to, for example in my example, burn away the air bubbles. In this case I don't need to b/c the first bubble in my cannon is an air bubble.), then the middle. In the case presented in my screenie, I'd also recommend you take the time to burn away the entire bottom row of the Earth bubbles so you don't set off a combo. (Combo=more shots to defeat level. More shots to defeat level=fewer bonus points=lower score.)

    Level 6:
    *yawn* Just clear these column by column. Resist using combos here; they'll just throw you off.

    Level 7:
    Isn't TNT so creative? :)

    Level 8:
    Eep. x.x Ah, well, while playing you'll rarely get this set of bubbles in this level; more often than not you'll have fire and light bubbles to help you. Anyways. Set off what combos you must; generally you should try to burn/use light bubbles on the Dark, Earth, and Air bubbles. Try to set off a water combo at the beginning of the round, so you can get that element out of the way, then just clear the rest of them.

    Level 9:
    Almost all the bubbles in this level are in twos. You can finish off clearing those pairs easily enough, especially with the fire bubbles I got in this round I could just burn almost all the bubbles. :p

    Level 10:
    This depends on the level. By now, you should understand the game well enough to figure out what to do, but anyways...with this particular set of bubbles, I set off one of the pairs of fire on either side, then set off the water combo, then set off a fire combo on the opposite side of where I cleared earlier to burn away the earth combo. Then just clear the few remaining bubbles.

    Level 11:
    Ugh. x.x Again, you'll usually have fire/light bubbles to work with in this level. In this case, I'm just going to set off that annoying earth combo, make a light combo to try to change half the Air and half the Dark bubbles to another color, then repeat on the other side as I can to get rid of the annoying combos and clear the rest of the bubbles. Take your time on this level.

    Level 12:
    Ahh. Not a bad setup. In this case I burn the Earth bubbles, then try to burn a hole in the Dark bubble combo and clear the rest. Oftentimes you'll sets of Fire, Light, Air, or Water bubbles to work with in this level - just try to avoid setting off any Dark or Earth combos, and if you have a row of water bubbles anywhere try not to set off a light combo on them or something; try to set up a water combo somewhere and you'll be good to go. (Air combos are fine in this level, because the summoned bubbles will just fall off the screen after the air bubbles fall off.)

    Level 13:
    Again, whenever you have a row of the same bubble it's pretty easy to work with. Not much different from 12, except for that solitary bubble of another color in the middle of the top row - just take care of that little guy when you get there. ;)

    Level 14:
    Alright. There are two methods to defeating this level - either use your stardust code here, and get rid of half the bubbles on the screen to start with (lazy way of doing this, but also ridiculously easy XD), or you can try to set off Fire/Water/Light combos and defeat this level without codes. I recommend the first method for beginners, the latter for experts, and for people like me...attempt the 2nd method, if it works yay, if not use the stardust code later on anyways. :D

    Level 15:
    Ahem. Type in faerieland, and bubbles. Press the spacebar. Yay, 250 bonus points, plus 39 regular points! :D (If you get Dark bubbles, restart your game. If you get Earth bubbles, restart your game unless you're at an insanely high score simply b/c you won't have enough points to get the avatar w/o that 250 pt. bonus.)

    Level 16:
    Ok. Avoid combos, and try to clear away the bubbles towards the top of the screen - in this case, those light bubbles are my priority b/c once those ones fall, all the bubbles attached to them fall, too.

    Level 17:
    This level is downright annoying. Anyways. See those two friendly fire bubbles in the middle two columns? I clear those, freeing up access to the rest of the bubbles in other columns. Yay, now I can keel-er, I mean, pop them all! >:)

    Level 18:
    You can clear this level on your first shot if you're lucky. Obviously, I wasn't lucky this time around. Anyways. On the right side of your screen, you've got the space to bounce a bubble to hit the top rows. Just wait for the right type of bubble, and clear those bubbles! :D

    Level 19:
    I hate this level. Again, try to get rid of the levels towards the top rows - aim for those first. This is the level you should try to save your slumberberry code for, but it's possible to defeat it without.

    Level 20:
    You by no means have to actually defeat this level. You get 250 bonus points just for getting to level 20, so if you can defeat level 19 with 1750+ points you'll get that much coveted (and hard to make fonts for XD) Faerie Bubbles avatar. ;)

    I just spent 2 hours working on this guide; please don't steal. Feel free to post any comments/criticism, though. n.n (Or PM me.)​
    lazypando likes this.
  2. Macdoodles

    Macdoodles Level II

    Oct 10, 2009
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    Re: [GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles (Legit!)

    Thx for the guide, hopefully, ill be able to get a trophy in this :)
  3. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Re: [GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles (Legit!)

    Actually, I kind of doubt that. Faerie Bubbles is a ridiculously popular game for people to scoresend trophies for at the beginning of the month; unless you can score above review score at the beginning of the month it's rather doubtful. =/

    Of which, if anyone's wondering/didn't already know this, review score for Faerie Bubbles is 2,500, and defeating the game takes me around 10-15 minutes, though you could probably SS with a time of 5-10 for below review, if you want to go above review increase the time a bit. (For this game, making a really long time makes sense, since you could leave the game for a few hours and come back later to finish it.)
  4. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Re: [GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles (Legit!)

    Yeah, and the thing about Faerie Bubbles is, you can run up the score so score senders can send high scores. A (high) trophy score isn't just going through the levels...
  5. Macdoodles

    Macdoodles Level II

    Oct 10, 2009
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    Re: [GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles (Legit!)

    Is there an illegit way to do this? the legit way takes too long and i dont think it is worth it :) PM me if there is. Thx
  6. poppedhart

    poppedhart Level I

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Re: [GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles (Legit!)

    Thanks i'll try this out, i didn't know about the codes D: furthest i've got before is level 14
  7. FishLess

    FishLess Level III

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Re: [GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles (Legit!)

    Thank for the nice and detailed guide good work.
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