[LE] Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Rikimaru, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Rikimaru

    Rikimaru Newbie

    Jul 18, 2008
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    Here is a way on getting the Shapeshifter Avatar.


    Getting Started.
    Click on the link above to quickly go to the Shapeshifter game. Once here, click on the Start Game! button. Remember, your goal is to finish level 5.

    Level 1
    This level has nothing special. It will often be a single square to put between two gloves, then put the large horizontal rectangle on the three gloves. Let's continue then to the next level.

    Level 2
    A little bit harder. There can be many ways on how the puzzle is placed. Let me give you a tip then: On the last shape, there should be the same shape to put on it. Example: If your last shape is a single square, then there is 9 ways to finish this.

    S S S
    S H S
    S S S
    Here is a possible way to finish the puzzle with a last single square. S means Sword, H means Helmet.

    S H H
    S S S
    S S S
    However, if your last shape is a single square and you're here with your last block, then it in't possible to finish the puzzle, since there will remain 1 Helmet.
    Got that?
    When you're done, let's move on.

    Level 3
    Again, use the trick for the remaining squares. It can take you alot of tries, but this game needs thinking ; you won't do it in 5 minutes. Here is a possible way to get this:

    C C S
    S C C
    C S S
    C means Cup.

    You have an active shape that goes like in this screen shot:
    Put the shape so the puzzle may look like this:

    C S S
    S S S
    C S C
    Then, notice in the shape after the single square that the last shape has three squares in it. So, in order to put the single square, it's should look like this:

    C S S
    S S S
    S S C
    Now that you put the single square, the rest is up to you.. =P

    If your puzzle wasn't that one, then, again, keep this in mind: There should be the exact number and placed correctly like the remaining last shape.
    Let's go on to the level 4!

    Level 4
    Getting harder. Actually, if you think it for like 10 minutes, it's pretty easy. I'll give you another tip since there is much possibilities on getting a different puzzle: How many times can you enter the first block? If you saw the first active shape in the Level 3, then you should've noticed that there was only 2 ways of putting the first block. This really helps me on level 5. If you think it's too hard, then just put them randomly, then restart another. I didn't tell you, but whenever you miss a puzzle, you will need to solve a different one. Good luck on this one!

    When you have finished, let's take on the last level on getting the avatar.

    Level 5
    Only one level and you have the avatar! I'll tell you what: It took me like 30 minutes to finish this puzzle, so don't panic if you can't solve it in 5 minutes. Take the two hints I gave to you and... do something with that. =P There can be hundred of possibilities of solving this puzzle. Good luck!
    Remember that you can stop and continue your last played game whenever you want.

    Getting the Avatar
    Once you finished Level 5, click on Continue to the next level. There, you will be at level 6(don't panic!). Quit the game. Then, go to the games center and choose the Shapeshifter game. You will have an event that will tell you you got the avatar. Good job! You got the Shapeshifter avatar!

    This is it for my guide. I hope this will help players having difficulties on this game. Enjoy! :)
    marcus_at likes this.
  2. MickaelH

    MickaelH Level I

    Jul 17, 2008
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    Quebec city !
    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    I got the avatar, cousin !

    Thank you, I got it mostly because you got it ! xD Hard to understand I know >< I tought this game was so hard, but because you got the avatar, I said for myself "Well, I can have it too" and now, I have it :D
  3. Rikimaru

    Rikimaru Newbie

    Jul 18, 2008
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    No problem cousin ^^ I am pleased this helped you.

    If you think some things may need improvements, just tell me ;)

    Same as me, I thought this game was really hard, but when I played it, I thought it wasn't possible! xD
  4. jellyblobs

    jellyblobs Newbie

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    thanks for the guide, it helped my getting the avie ^^
  5. Rikimaru

    Rikimaru Newbie

    Jul 18, 2008
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    Glad it helped you!

    I will maybe add some details in future days, to more help people.
  6. junkant

    junkant Level III

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    This guide is a little too basic, I think you should add more details.
    For example show examples of solving the levels, and why you made those moves and etc.
    It really is too bare at this moment.
  7. marcus_at

    marcus_at Newbie

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    Thank you very much, I now have the avatar I have been trying for, for months.
  8. vinko

    vinko Newbie

    Jul 17, 2008
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    thanks for the guide it helped me get the avvy..
  9. allantran

    allantran Newbie

    Apr 1, 2008
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    Thanks about guide,btw anyone can help me to solve level 26,it really hard :(,im going to get its trophy
  10. B_B

    B_B Level I

    Dec 12, 2009
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    Re: Guide on Shapeshifter Avatar

    thanks :p got the avatar now
  11. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Got it thanks! Last level was a killer, i just kept redoing until i got an easy one lol.
  12. Coilvect

    Coilvect Level I

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Got the avatar thanks much.