[LE] Mynci Beach Volleyball (W/ Video)

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Junior, May 20, 2010.

  1. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Juniors Guide to Mynci Beach Volleyball

    Hey Guys! It’s been a while since I’ve done a guide, but I decided to do this one a while ago and only just found the time to record it, AND had to practise the skill/technique you will see here. Now, this is a 100% legit guide, and hopefully if followed and practiced will allow all of you that have trouble with Mynci Beach Volleyball, to score that avatar, or even, a high score!!

    Oh and yes, I realise that Lightning made one for this game, which can be found here:

    But I wanted to do my own. It's basically the same idea, but slightly different techniques. See which one works best for you!

    Mynci Beach Volleyball – The Avatar

    The Controls

    Okay there is not a lot to this game. It is fairly simple!

    Wow, sounds easy huh?

    The Aim of The Game

    Well I’m sure you’ve all played this at some stage... Or have some sort of understanding how volleyball wins. The idea is to get the ball to touch the ground, on your opponent’s side! Unlike real volleyball, Mynci Beach Volleyball has no limit to how many times you can touch the ball before it goes over. But with my technique, hopefully you won’t have to touch it at all.

    In-Game Power-ups

    Okay in game you will occasionally notice a little green Pawkeet flying in the sky!! Well, this can be a good thing and a bad thing. If the ball hits the pawkeet, whoever touched the ball last gets a random power-up. Some of these are good, some of these are bad. Here is a list:

    Haha that’s all of them! As you can tell, I’m not big on these power-ups. I try to avoid getting them. My technique works better without them.

    The Gameplay – My Technique!!

    Haha this is the part you’ve all been waiting for (I hope!). Now, I’ve tried to explain this to many people before, but then I realised. A picture tells a thousand words. So, using this theory, I decided to record my technique in action, and I will write here about it so it will hopefully make more sense to everyone.

    Just in case you’re not sure, I’m playing one player, against the computer. I am the blue mynci.


    Okay, it starts off like normal. I hit one player, and continue to start the game. Blah blah blah. You all know how to do that right?

    The Steps:
    Now, I do this a number of times in this video (4 i think?) and was lucky enough to get it perfect 3 of 4. The one time I didn’t I got a power-up, even luckier again it was the turdle power-up and although I messed up my shot, the turdle grabbed red mynci and saved my butt! Now, you don’t have to get it perfect every shot, obviously it helped though as it prevents you playing “properly” so to speak.

    You’ll also see that I attempted to avoid all the power-ups by holding the ball longer before serving. I do this because, some of the power-ups will make this technique VERY hard. Infact, they all nearly destroy it or make it harder in some way. The turdle doesn’t really affect it ;)

    Now, I know what you’re all probably thinking. I’m doing it on the first level/round etc. – Well I can assure you if done correctly this will work on all levels, up to the final level 6. I’ve tried it and it works fine.

    I’ve not yet managed to score a perfect game though... I’m working on it ;)

    This will take a bit of practise to get right, and you still may not get it to work 100% of the time. (I know I don’t!!).

    But this is definitely somewhere for you to start if you’re having trouble.

    In-Game Cheats

    Heh, unfortunately none of the cheats are that great for this game. But here they are:

    Like all cheats, best typed in during a game pause, or before you serve in this case.

    These cheats are 100% safe, and were included in the game by Neopets. So you have nothing to worry about if you use them.


    Okay well that’s it guy! Short and sweet!! Hopefully this has enough information and the video is easy enough to follow. Once again, this is not an easy thing to get perfect, so expect lots of attempts before it actually works. If you’re off by the slightest, it could mean the red mynci hits it. In earlier levels, it won’t matter because they usually miss anyway. But later on it gets hard!

    Best of luck to everyone, and if you have any problems feel free to PM me for more help. I’ll gladly assist in any way possible.

    Who knows, maybe one day you’ll score one of these trophies ;)



    This guide was written in full by Junior (Meee!!)

    No person has permission to edit, modify, alter, deface any pat of this guide, nor does it have permission to be posted anywhere else. If you like it and want to tell people about it, be my guest. If you want to post it somewhere else, AT LEAST ask my permission first! We may be able to work something out. If you see it somewhere else please let me know.

    The Video was made by me, using CamStudio. The quality is low, to keep the file as small as possible!

    Special thanks to the people of Neofriends.net!!

    P.S If you think there is anything I could/should add or modify please let me know. I always accept constructive criticism on my work! I hope you all enjoy it though... Yes I bumped it for this reason ;) I want to be better, and therefore, need constructive criticism!! I know it's not perfect ;) Don't be shy.. PM me if you'd like.
    Heather likes this.
  2. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    This may be the first avatar I try to get myself XD And it's fitting since I'm such a volleyball fan yet absolutely despise this game >:) Seems simple enough, maybe I'll actually grow to become a fan of it, who knows lol.. Thanks for the guide!!!!!!!
  3. thedup

    thedup Level IV

    Nov 3, 2006
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    I can never seem to do that consistently, but when it works it is the best way to play
    still hate this game, just like Heather
  4. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    It does take some practice;)

    Don't give up... Like I've said above, I still can't get it 100% of the time!
    xso0intou likes this.
  5. xso0intou

    xso0intou Level I

    May 16, 2010
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    This actually helps me a little. I'm scoring better than I did before, I'm sure I'll get the avatar eventually if i keep trying.
  6. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    xso0intou - That's the idea ;) If you need any 1-on-1 help let me know.. I'll see what I can do. But I'm fairly sure this guide says everything I'll be able to?

    I guess I could also run the service of getting this avatar for people.

    If you want me to get the avatar for you, PM. However, for me to do this you need to have a proxy that I can use to access your account.