i am interested in learning vb6 and i would like to find a good guide to help me get started. what are some good books? i am currently looking at learn vb6 in 24 hours (http://www.amazon.com/Teach-Yoursel...5417557?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174752426&sr=8-3) and Visual basic complete guide (http://www.amazon.com/Visual-Basic-...5417557?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174752451&sr=8-1) do you guys think that those books are good to get me started with vb6. if not, what are some good vb resources to help me learn quickly.
lmfao, I dont mean to discourage you, but vb6 IS another language, I've only heard of 1 person that learned a language in less than 1 week. Dont expect to learn it that fast, its very complicated, but Im glad your tryin to learn, neofriends really needs more coders!
As I already told you, I will help you learning VB. I will send you links to guides and help you with any problem you may find!!!