[Legit Guide] Mynci Volleyball

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Lightning, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA

    You'll just need your browser...we'll be playing it legit.

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    Game Information

    GameID: 315 Review Score: Varies... NP Ratio: Varies by month... Avatar? Yes. Game Categories: Mystery Island, Action, and Sports. Interesting Notes: This game can be played human vs. computer or human vs. human.

    About: Avatar

    This can be obtained by scoring 800 points or more in Mynci Volleyball.

    About: Game Categories

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Controls/Basic Instructions

    Player 1:
    Movement-Left: Left Arrow
    Movement-Right: Right Arrow
    Jump: Up Arrow
    Hit Ball Harder/Serve (than tap on head): Up Arrow

    Player 2 (only available in 2-player mode):
    Movement-Left: Z
    Movement-Right: X
    Jump: S
    Hit Ball Harder/Serve (than tap on head): S

    To earn a point, hit the ball over the net and where they cannot keep it up. It's just like basic volleyball rules, VERY basic. To win a match, you must have 12+ points and be beating your opponent of 2 or more.

    SOME power-ups may be useful; to obtain one, you must hit the Pawkeet, the green bird with the ball. Remember, your opponent, 1 or 2-player can also obtain these power-ups. The following is my opinion and grade of the power-ups based on my experience with the game. The three grades: Good, Bad, and Neutral. The grades will also be explained in detail later in the guide, but first, we gotta learn what they do.

    Bigger Net - Net becomes much taller. Bad
    Smaller Net - Net becomes much smaller. Good
    Super Size - Makes you/your Mynci larger. Good
    Super Speed - Makes your Mynci faster. Bad
    Super Jump - Makes your Mynci jump higher. Neutral
    Giant Ball - Makes the ball much larger. Bad
    Turdle - Freezes your opponent. Good

    Bigger Net: Bad because it makes it much harder for you to score but easier for the computer to score (1 player). Solution - Hit a high shot and hope your opponent can't get it over again. Try to make the shot as flat as you can without suicide. :p
    Smaller Net: Good because net becomes smaller so you can hit a flatter shot and score. (see tips)
    Super Size: Good because you are much taller so you can hit and defend harder/better. The only downside is the weak tail, but this weakness is not exploited by the computer.
    Super Speed: Bad because you are extremely fast. Although this does save you from normally impossible cases, you are usually too fast and pass your destination. Solution - Lightly tap the left and right arrow keys when fielding a high ball. When fielding a flat ball, pass your destination and immediately go the other way and jump.
    Super Jump: Neutral because you can block a lot, but if you miss the ball, there is no chance of saving it. Oh, but it is so good at hitting ball hard :p. Solution - Don't miss the ball? Makes it Good then if you are perfect!
    Giant ball: Bad because it is hard for you or your opponent to score because it is slow and big. You want a small ball to hit a nice fast, flat shot. Solution - Try to hit the bird. Or just keep trying a flat shot.
    Turdle: Good because it freezes your opponent. Then, just hit the ball where they can't reach it in time. (i.e.: back if they are in front)

    Tips (Against Stupid Computer :p)
    Yeah, you've heard me mention this all through the guide: Hit a flat ball. Since the computer isn't that good, they/the mynci have a really bad weakness in their tails.
    To hit a flat ball...

    On serves: Toss (up arrow) the ball up and LIGHTLY tap the left key away from the ball. Then, timing correctly, hit the ball. It should bury behind the computer Mynci's tail, and you should get into a rhythm. You'll begin to get the hang of it, and it becomes really easy to get to the high scores.

    During the Game: If you field it perfectly, go ahead and hit it. But if you don't, keep it up a little bit and prepare before you go for the killer.

    You may accidentally go backwards too much when you first start doing this and cause an unforced error.


    Yup, that's it...hope you guys can get easy trophies for this legitly. :p

    Lightning - Guide​
  2. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    I don't agree with some of the good and bad like the smaller net being good because that can be bad too as well as the super speed I usually do well with that though there are sometimes it has caused trouble. Really good guide though I have been trying for the avatar maybe I will get it soon :)
  3. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Yeah, I can see what you mean...everybody has their own different "skill", I guess. Again, it is just my opinion, but I can completely see where you are coming from :). GL on the avvie ;)
  4. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Somewhere, lah.
    Yes, the good and the bad for the various "power ups" really depends on how a person plays the game and the way he plays it.

    For me, I dislike super jump, giant ball and small net.

    Super jump makes it too difficult to play, giant ball and small net makes it too easy for the opponent to survive against me.
  5. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Yeah, super jump, if you miss, really sucks for you. Giant ball, I agree, makes it too hard for you to kill the opponent, but small net works perfectly for me. You just have to make it really, really flat...and it makes it easier for you because it's lower. The computer usually just stands there (for me) and watches the ball land right behind him.