[Legit] Zurroball Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by cameronCRUNK, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. cameronCRUNK

    cameronCRUNK Level IV

    Feb 25, 2007
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    In my experience, Zurroball is one of the most annoying games to ever attempt to get a trophy for. I have spent many hours trying to get the trophy which very few people can say that they have. However, I have learned a lot from the times I have spent playing the game and I am hoping that the information that I came upon on my quest to get the trophy will shorten the time you spend obtaining it. First things first - lets get to some specifics on the trophy itself.

    Zurroball, in my opinion, is one of the funnest games on neopets. The point of the game is to keep the ball from hitting the ground by clicking it. You can do tricks, which will earn you bonus points. However, you do not collect any points until you bring the ball above the read line. The easiest point to obtain is a Freestyle point. Every time you click the ball, you receive a Freestyle point, which adds one point to your score. They are easy to get, but are the slowest way of getting points so it is not suggested to try to get the trophy with only this method. The next method(or methods) is called the Zurro. Every time the ball bounces off either of the walls, you will receive either a Left Zurro or a Right Zurro, depending on which wall it bounced off of. For a Zurro, you will also get one point added to your score. These are harder to get and give the same amount of points as the easier Freestyle, so it is best not to waste time with these at all.

    Next we will talk about the Grounder. The Grounder is the preferred way of getting large amounts of points by most zurroball players. To get a grounder, you must get the ball below a point at the bottom of the level(shown below), but not let it hit the ground. However, to receive points for the grounder, you must bring the ball back above the red line at the top. For every Grounder you score, ten points will be added to your score.


    The last two tricks also give out good points, but are harder to pull of than Grounders. First, the Boomerang. To get a Boomerang, you must bounce the ball off of one wall and then off of the other wall, only clicking once in between. This move is somewhat hard to pull off, and only gives you five points. It is also very easy to lose control of the ball while trying to attempt a boomerang, so I find it is best to just avoid these. Last, but not least, is Around the World. This move is acheived by bouncing the ball off one wall and against another with no clicks between. When you get one, you receive ten points added to your score. Actually getting one isn't terribly hard; the hard part is getting control of the ball afterwards and putting it back above the red line. Like the Boomerang, it is hard to control and you run a very high risk of dropping the ball.

    Now, let's move on to the balls used during Zurroball


    At the beginning of the game, you must choose which ball you want to use. This can be a crucial thing in deciding how high your score is. Below is my analysis on them.

    Zurroball - Out of the 5 basic zurroballs, this is the one I usually choose to go with. it is very easy to control and has a nice bounce to it. It is pretty easy to get grounders with this ball and is equally easy to take above the red line to get the points for it. It is the best one to use in my opinon.

    Snot Ball - I almost never use the snot ball when I am playing for points, not just to get better. It bounces pretty high, which can be hard to control. It is also very small and hard to click, and I have found it is very easy to drop.

    Metal Ball - The metal ball is my second favorite out of the basic ones. Think of how you think an actual metal ball would be. It has almost no bounce, making it very hard to bring back over the red line. However, I have found that it is very easy to get many grounders with. However, the ball drops insanely fast and is easy to drop while you are getting the grounders, so it isn't a very practical choice to play with when trying to get the trophy.

    Energy Ball - I don't know many positive things about this ball, but I do know what I do not like about it. The ball doesn't drop as fast as the metal ball, but is still pretty fast. Also, when you click, it moves very little right or left, which can make getting Zurros, Boomerangs, or Around the World's very difficult. I find it difficult to get grounders with it, but when you do, it is very easy to get back tot he top. Also, you can click on the energy field around the actual ball and it will count as you hitting the ball.

    Eye Ball - This is actually my least favorite ball in the game. When you click it, no matter how close it seems you are to the center, it always flies to one of the sides, making it very hard to control. Also, when it gets moving, it goes fast and is incredibly hard to click and keep from hitting the ground. Overall, there is basically nothing positive coming out of using the Eye Ball.


    Grundo Ball - The Grundo Ball is the ball chosen by most of the people who play Zurroball. It is very easy to get a grounder with and easy to take back up to the red line. The only negative thing about this ball is that once it starts spinning, it can be difficult to click on and will drop to the ground.

    This is the tips section where I add in things that I have come across that will help you.

    -- When going for a high score, go for grounders. They are the easiest to get and give you a lot of points.
    -- Don't just get one grounder and go back to the red line and repeat. That will take forever. Get several and then go back up to the red line and repeat.
    -- Have your volume on; when you get low enough to get a grounder, the game will make a noise to signify this. There is no way to know if you got a grounder if your volume is off.
    -- Get rid of all distractions. To get the score needed for the trophy, you're going to need a lot of concentration, some time, and a bit of luck.
    -- Don't get mad at yourself. As lame as it sounds, positive thinking is going to help you in this. Saying "I can't do it" isn't going to do you any good.

    I hope you enjoyed my guide and I hope you will be able to get the Zurroball trophy.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. sebzanga

    sebzanga Level III

    May 27, 2007
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    Good guide but i have a qustion....

    To get the avatar i need to get into the Hi-Score List of Zurroball (Minimum 942) right? And if i send the score.... This need to be revised?

  3. cameronCRUNK

    cameronCRUNK Level IV

    Feb 25, 2007
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    No. The review score for Zurroball is 10,000.
  4. deathcraze

    deathcraze Level III

    Mar 3, 2007
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    there is no avatar for zurroball.
    that avatar was discovered years ago, but never activated by tnt.

    also i got gold on zurroball last month (using scar), and did not get any avatar.
    my favourite ball is the energy ball, both when playing legit and non-legit :p
  5. cameronCRUNK

    cameronCRUNK Level IV

    Feb 25, 2007
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    Thank you
    like I said, I hadn't been able to get on the Hi-Score list myself yet, so I was going off a few websites.

    it's been taken out.
  6. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Very nahceeeee.

    +20 cash.
  7. masalaking

    masalaking Level II

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Nice guide! :D +3k a day for me! :)
  8. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    what's you guys best clicks?

    mine only 180