Okay I just heard about this new craze, the lemon detox diet. Apparently its really good. I looked it up on the net and found out some details but it doesnt sound special or anything. Just another thing with lots of endorsements. Whats more is that a 1 litre can of the stuff you drink that lasts 5-7 days costs 70 australian dollars! Just wondering if anyone has tried this detox thing and got any really good results.... or any thoughts of the contrary?
I think you're better off just eating organic foods and mostly vegetables and fruits that aren't cooked (but cleaned, obviously).. It may take longer but it's a lot healthier, i guess?
Hm...yeah, I heard it on the radio. Heh, seemed to me like a fad. You might want to read this before you think about doing it http://www.news.com.au/mercury/story/0, ... public_rss mmmm...laxative tea. delicious.
The thing is that weight lost by short term methods like this won't stay off. You can't do this forever so eventually you're going to have to go back to a 'normal' diet and hey presto, you're back where you started. I also think that anything involving starving yourself and depriving your body of essential nutrients is a ridiculous idea and one that should never even be considered when you're talking about health. There is a very good reason that we eat food and not just lemon water, you know.
Well, lemon detox diet is apparently different. Other 'quick weight loss' methods apparently gets rid of 'water weight' which is able to be gained back very quickly. But with lemon detox you fast, which the body will then break down damaged cells and fat cells for energy. The lemon syrup probably helps with something, like providing vitamins that the body can't produce on its own? I'm guessing here. Not condoning this, but it is claiming to be different.
yea well i was thinking about it until i read the price tag. It seems that you get what you pay for, if that is true, then this diet should be something else nevertheless after a bit of thought I love my food and hate the thought of going without solids.
There was a thing on Channel 5 (UK) called diet doctors where they tested a detox method similar to the one your describe on a pair of identical twins. One did the detox program, one didn't, and they monitored everything that is meant to improve in a detox. At the end of the week or whatever it was, the detoxing hadn't made the blindest bit of difference. Just stick with healthy foods and get on with it would be my advice!
Ahh...yes...but this diet has LEMONS!!! Hahaha, I guess the best diet is a balanced one, with unhealthy foods in moderation. And exercising too. As well. Also.
Well said. THis would be unhealthy dieting. You wouldn't be healthy, you'd be hungry. And losing fat like this would make it so easy to come back.