BUT . . . I will only lend depending on your NF Account & Neopets Account (My item is legit and ill be lending from my main, so you account BETTER be legit). :arf:
May I be lent Chokato and Meowclops? (I'm an avid avatar collector!) My main is completely legit (I don't want to risk a 61 month account). (I've already been lent FQD for around 500k pure and a Honey Potion, now I have quite a bit more collat from Igloo ABing on other accounts, but you said it was for free anyways, so...)
Ah, well, I am undoubtedly fairly new to these forums, so I can see why I wouldn't be lent. Safe lending to Rider!
I don't have full collat, but I do have a Honey Potion for collat and about 1.4mil in pure (slightly more now). And, PM'd.