Seeing as how there are two stickied threads for lenny conundrum that both specifically say "NO TALKING", and I was completely stumped as to the current lenny c, I was wondering if anyone would like to share their thoughts on any current and future conundrums in hopes we might be able to work out way to it. Lenny #311 Walking down the aisles of a certain Neopian shop, you came across the following items at the end of each aisle: At the end of aisle 1, you saw a Watermelon At the end of aisle 2, you saw a Gothic Bed At the end of aisle 3, you saw a Faerie Kadoatie At the end of aisle 4, you saw a Royal Paint Brush At the end of aisle 5, you saw a Sword of the Air Faerie At the end of aisle 6, you saw a Pirate Flotsam Plushie At the end of aisle 7, you saw a Brightvale the Novel What did you find at the end of aisle 8? Submit only the name of the item, or it will be marked wrong! HINT: All of these items appear together somewhere on Neopets.