YEAH! CUZ THEY ARE SO GOOD. Do you have any favorite asian snacks? Post pictures if you really bother! Anyone who is not asian, should try some of these too I have a HUGE list of asian snacks and everything..but it's too much to list. Right now, {literally right now} i'm eating these Korean spicy shrimp crackers. SO GOOD.
I would have so many things to list too. But Strawberry Popcorn is the probably the best thing, seriously. ♥ Too bad I've only found some in Disney Land.
Are gummies counted love those grape duck gummies xD For crackers I guess calbee seaweed is the best!
POCKYS ! Especially the strawberry and the chocolate ones . Every time i see someone with them I get too excited . xD I really need a life .
Pocky is disgusting. Cheap chocolate on a cardboard-like cookie? Yeah, no. Shrimp crisps, though. Amazing.
It's been a looonnnnggg time since I tried any shrimp crisps. (Crab chips are really good, too, though.) One thing I'll definitely have to add, though...maybe it's not really Asian, but roast/smoked chestnuts. (In China there are always people pushing little green metal barrels with roast chestnuts on the streetcorners...+.+ My family always buys at least a few pounds.)
Thats a lot of nuts ._. I don't see what's there to hate about pocky o.0 The flavour's pretty awesome and though the biscuit may taste a bit weird, its just a small amount so no big deal xD
<3 asian snax Shrimp crackers are yummmmyyyyyyyyy Pocky is goood but a death wish if you eat too much x_X And yeah, I lurvvv asian bakeries. sooooo much yummmmmy in such a small little store...