I had no idea there was a Lunar Eclipse tonight. I hope I get to see it. ^^ I think I've only seen one in my entire life or something.. but I don't think it was Lunar. I'm not sure. I was very young. It was during the day. I can barely remember it. But yeah...
Well if it was in the day it must have been a solar eclipse. But it was probably parcial because full solar eclipses are fairly rare.
-nods- Yeah. I don't remember very much of it. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to Astronomy. But I love to see things. Like shooting stars and the such. It fascinates me... although I've never seen much. Like comets and meteor showers. Never seen 'em. And I want to terribly bad. The weather here right now appears to be overcast so I might not get to see the Eclipse which bites. ¬¬
Yeh it was a Solar eclipse some years ago! Me too was very young, but I remember that it was a total eclipse** However... now the Moon is totally red! I've taken pictures of it some minutes ago... but from me is midnight, so maybe I'll show them tomorrow. But without a camera sawhorse is difficult staying immobile with the long time of exposure^^"
Link with time doesnt seem to work, heard it's happening now , but don't know sure, my google skills suck, so coudtn really look it up but, i dont see the moon anyway, damn clouds !
In anticipation of better photos... these are my best shoots (I'm sorry for the shaking but it was cold and I haven't the camera sawhorse =P) around 23.45 around midnight
It was coppered cause the sun is shining on it and as the earth's shadow cover's it the sun is shining less light so it gets darker in shades of orange (this is my theory) Its too cloudy to see it here but I heard theres going to be another one in august so... yeah/
I saw one a few years back, it was neat. It is too cold here to veiw it though *kicks old man winter*