Hey guys, can anyone tell me what the best refresh rate or a main shop autobuyer is? I set the rate to 5-10 seconds and i usualy get restock banned after 1 hour. Can anyone plz tell me a reasonable refresh rate? Thx : and also, is there disabling download image before buy option for billybuyer? If so, can anyone tell me how to disable it? Thx again
I think the best rate is 3-5 for mid day restocking, and 7-10 for later at night when its not so active.
Thx a lot!!! Anyhow, does anyone know how to disable download image before buy option for billybuyer?
I have seen that option only in AU..not in billybuyer... As for the refresh rate i use 3-6 seconds and i dont usually get restock banned!!! Why do you get restock banned using 5-10 sec???There is something wrong!!
I pause about 30 mins for every 60 mins or so!! And Flipmyflo has super fast connection...Or she is pretty close to neopets server...So she gets incredible buy times and thats why she may use 3-15!!! Macdoodles how much time normally it takes to buy an item for you??2.xx sec???
pfft there's times I ab for about a good 8hrs (overnight) ((definately NOT recommended)) and I don't get restock banned, I think maybe it has to do with how often you restock, once I'm banned I wait about a good 3-5 days before I start up again. I also have my settings to where every 20-40 minutes I pause for 20-30 minutes.