Cos i dont want to send something too high i just got 7k points compared to my 2k yesterday did they make it easyer?? I admit i did macro it but i was yesterday lol
Ah thanks i didn't want to be iced i bet your way is easyer than mine i have to quickly type the letters into the macro program save then run it not too hard but i miss about 5 seconds lol
If you download macro express just paste this into a macro Then edit the text to the letters the game wants and just start it i set it to "up" that way its simple to activate in game and your hands are free for the bonus letters
So far only 5k legit but I didn't really try my hardest ye, just getting back into the swing of things.
Thats crazyness! i was thinking if i swap round so that the macro program is not pressing the two main letters but madly pressing the bonus ones would that make a huge ass difference? You guys are doing great to say your not cheating lol i am cheating and 9k was my best
Well, my laptop was lagging like crazy so I probably got some extra time off that (don't know if that made a difference; I wasn't trying to lag on purpose or anything). :/ I just spammed the two keys with a finger from each hand...I only got one bonus letter during the entire game, as well.
Well i guess i better get play crappyball just hope the stand in the corner til the match is over crap works lol
You use flare SS? ---- Hey guys is there a limit on how many scores you can send with Make some Noise?
9k legit is what I get. I play piano, and flash flash revolution, so I have fast fingers for sure. I trill like I'll never trill again.
Oh duhhh that avatar giggles, wow i must have been tired all day was thinking that make some noise had its own avatar lol
I think the score limit is 5 but im not too sure someone else will know i dont really play games and i dont go for the whole alt cup thing just thought it would be fun to cheat