[[(eternal {W}ork {I}n {P}rogress)]] (but at least there's progress) when we look back upon these years we realize it may not always have been the greatest experience we have loathed and loved each other we may not have liked it all, or even most of it but we have a solid foundation to build upon we have all learned a lot, loved a lot and I hope that each and every one of us can look back upon moments in time and say gosh, that was fun and I hope that at some time in our lives, we can experience the same thing again though it may be exhausting and emotionally taxing I hope that we can get up and give it another go because there is more life to be lived than can be fit into a single lifetime we've been shown this as we rode through Chicago the buildings towering over us, the cityscape stretching in every direction there is more to this world than brick walls and bookwork we must leave this place to discover what we have learned You'd be surprised how inspiring family guy can be...
That a actually quite moving. I sprung up memories that dust had settled upon years ago. The 3rd verse made me think of love, how you have to get up and move on after it's failed. I personally don't like family guy as it took the mick out of sexually abused children in one episode. In all I would say that, that was a beautiful (thanx Jim C) piece.