Part of the latest "plot". They've gotten us to do it about 100 times in total to get all the items for the plot. Doesn't require any skill, but it's a tedious process
30 completion = Underground Explorations; which is going for about 120k-150k right now and will inflate.
Not that I don't trust you.... But how well do you know the creator? There aren't any grabbers hidden in the script anywhere? (can anyone else verify that??) I've heard they are easy to put CG's in... Other than that.. sounds like an excellent idea.
Anyone who has tried this? Does it work well? I kinda need something like this but I don't want to risk anything.
come on guys.. phee is a mod lets have a little trust in that shes not osting programs she has not looked at and tested... easy way to check any gm script if to CTL+F and search "cookie" nothing comes up ur fine... an lets have a little faith in our mods ah..
is anyone getting the following error when they go to I get the following: Error: The machine has been repaired! Thank you for your dedication.
Error: The machine has been repaired! Thank you for your dedication. I think that means you fixed it? I looked at the script, dont know much but it's clean. Don't know if it clicks the arrows for you.
What are the chances that the items released in this plot will come back at a later time? Namely the book and the pile of dung? Anyone have any clue?