Originally it could have been bought at the smugglers cove. Its hard to get in the cove you need many many dubloons. Also when all the items are bought from the cove they don;t restock. Im not totally sure.
do you know of any other items that are pretty expensive. And I know of the ones in the hidden tower but im thinkin on the line of 10's of millions of np. and by the way can you still get dubloons from playing deckswabber. its been so long since i played neopets.
There are some items out there that are priceless. If you take a look at the Darigan Sword of Death, only one exists out there. You can be sure that it's worth more than the super attack pea. http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/ ... wweap/186/
I cant stand it how the neopets team would dare to taunt us with that. the guy that has it prolly doesnt even play anymore and now it just sits dormant in some account somewhere and will never be seen again. anyone else know of any others?
This was given out as a prize for the Meridell war, and only one. And no it's not really rotting on someone's account who doesn't even play. Featheralley doesn't have it anymore, and the sword is rotting on this guy's gallery, who hasn't logged in for 6 days... http://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=petrewon
It makes you kinda wonder if these people play legit or if they are in touch with the neopets god's get get hooked up. I dont see how even if you played for years you could obtain some of this stuff. It would take hundreds of hours.
Here are the most expensive items in neopets that more than 1 person has. http://items.jellyneo.net/index.php?go= ... =1&p1=&p2=
I've owned several items on that list, including Gsword, MSPP (TCG) and Faerie Slingshot. And by owned, i mean borrowed for full collat. I did have my own gsword once. Everything under 50 mil isnt too hard to get, i had a few LEVs pass through my paws, same with T-tears and Jade SS. Many of the top players are either friends of TNT or members of the team itself. Munsterpoo, who most people consider the richest neopian, is a member of TNT. Not too many people know that. If you want to argue with me about that, I've got some solid evidence to prove it.
I would say, half those things don't deserve to be at the price they are to be frank. Correct me if i'm wrong, I know very little but some of those things are that price because they are collector items. & Hallendale - I am not even surprised anymore. So there's no reason to not believe you other wise. But i'm curious about the proof too. This is actually my first time hearing about munsterpoo.
I would have to agree. his collection of trophies is quite large. Ive never been one to try to beat all the games.
DARIGAN SWORD OF DEATH!!!! i think only featheralley had it, but she sold it or something GO look it up on IDB ! ! it does like 50x each icon =D
damn i remember back then when i didnt know about cheats or if there were even cheats and it would take like a year for me to get even 100k lol. Back then dorean was like the top player then he got frozen
Yes, I remember when I would spend hours buying and selling scratch cards just to make a couple thousand np. now it seems to be to easy to me.