What makes multi SSing so dangerous? Why do people end up frozen so easily for multi SSing? I mean if you use different proxies for all, then there should be no problem? Or am I thinking wrong and are the score sent off 1 IP?
So people get frozen for multi SSing because they use 1 IP then.. BUt why would they do that? Are proxies much slower to send?
yea score sending. well sometimes proxies dont hide your original ip 100% so they can trace them back.
Well, of course the SS progams work, but only score send on a side account with proxies. Lol, if you score send on your main, then TNT will get easy ice. :X:
Not necessarily. With a good SS list that doesn't get your scores reviewed, then chances are you're safe.
Reconfirming: SSing = Using a program that sends scores to get neopoints without playing? I don't understand how people get ice then, why not just get enough points to not get a review?
Because the higher the score, the better your chances are at getting a trophy. And a higher score = more Neopoints. :yup:
But if you're doing it on a side account, I don't think you would care if you get a trophy or not. Higher score = more neopoints, that is true but you can get 1k on most games without getting a score that requires reviewing.
It's not safe anymore if you are using the Flare Score Sender because TNT has updated something, and the SS encryption has changed. So, ricky92 might want to change something before you SS again.
Actually, I SSed on my main with no review, and 5 minutes later, ice. Lolz, it was a low, legit, score too.
When did they update the encryption again? ..or are you talking about when they did it a few months ago?