multi tasker

Discussion in 'Neopets Program Discussion' started by policepro, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. policepro

    policepro Level I

    Oct 18, 2009
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    I think your forum has a autobuyer,autoadopter,autorestocker,and scoresender. If you do can you all put in one progam like some combat arm hacks.
  2. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    What would be the point of this? would get frozen for doing two things at one time. I mean, I can see what you mean, but why not just have separate programs that have more features?
  3. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    No it doent mean it should do two things at the sametime...But having a single program with all the features is good isnt it??

    When i want it to be a autobuyer it will be..And when i need it as a score sender it will be..

    No need of multiple programs..But the program should include all the required features of individual programs..

    And congratz on level 5 promotion lightning!!
  4. Macdoodles

    Macdoodles Level II

    Oct 10, 2009
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    Doing all those things at the same time can lag your computer. And i think that the freeze rate will be CRAZY
  5. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Haha, thanks :D

    It would be possible for someone to make an AU, SSer (sLAUGHTER), and AAer...just a drop down box in a window with the three, I'm guessing.

    But then, the Auth and Cookie Login could be built before you can choose your program.
  6. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Well back in the day, my Trainer was built to do something like this. If there's enough support for this idea, I may decide to revive it...
  7. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    actually, Zer0, i really think you should! I'd be willing to turn some of my programs into modules for your trainer. They wouldn't be as complex, but... It'd do what it should do, like the aer would be like a normal aaer, not the complex i'm working on right now.

    But i think it would work quite well, as his is something i've always supported :p
  8. JenJen

    JenJen Newbie

    Oct 20, 2009
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    I imagine its possible, it would just be a lot of coding, and definently a lot of "CYA" work as well. In essence, it would be like an AutoPlayer, or basically a "Do it all" program. The key, would be setting up one hell of a timing system, that logs times, events, and statistics, so that, it will restock at certain times, then it'll do dailies, then scoresends. It will systematically take breaks from these activities, and perform other tasks, such as restocking, checking the adoption agency, auctions for snipes, and etc.

    It will never do more than one task at once, and it should have random pauses(breaks) between such activities. In a nutshell, basically replicating what you (as a human) would normally do during a day of playing Neopets legitametly, but all at random. Cannot stress randomness enough.

    I had thought of doing such a thing, but instead, I am more focused on making the individual apps. Whilst a do-it-all program would be cool, it just sounds like countless nights of structuring code that tracks itself without tripping over its own feet (thus getting your account iced) LOL.
  9. Stop

    Stop Level IV

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Yeah that'd be a good few months worth of work and tons of accounts xD but nevertheless a decent idea, just terribly high freeze rate
  10. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    High freeze rate->Not really if you use only a single program each time(atleast not greater than individual program's freeze rate)..And no abusing!!

    Lots of work->yes absolutely..But it can be well worth it if it is a collective effort(programmers team each contributed a section of coding).
  11. Stop

    Stop Level IV

    Dec 17, 2008
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    True, but even with Ricky's ABer, which takes breaks and has smart haggle, I still got iced for restocking in Usuki with getting nothing spectacular, it took a few days but nonetheless.
  12. JenJen

    JenJen Newbie

    Oct 20, 2009
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    The freeze rate would highly depend on how the program is made (in other words, how it executes/navigates pages). Illogical jumps between pages and incomplete navigations could increase the risk, and thus, this is why there would be so much work to do to make a massive do it all program, you would have to make sure that with whatever your program is doing, how it got there follows a humanly path. AKA you couldn't navigate to say, the tombola page, with the referer being the url of a item's popup page. (This is one reason that I made the TCPWrapper get the inventory page, after any item use Post request).

    Also, as assasin mentioned, abuse is key as well. You dont want to be surfing around neopets while the program is going, nor doing two things at the same time.

    My concept of a do-it-all program, is one that when you start it up, you set your settings for autobuying, dailies and etc, then you click one single "DO IT" button, and the program does the rest for you, automatically, and when its done, it saves a log of all that it did, and closes. WOuld be great to set the settings, click the do it button, then go to work. When you get home from work (or school or etc), your daily playing of neopets is done already, then all you have to do is manual things, like checking the plot updates, and things like that.

    One notch further, would be a program you leave open 24/7, that performs the daily activities in the mornings, then, for the rest of the hours until the daily activities can be done again, it checks things that can be done multiple times a day, like training, coltzans shrine, and etc. But it will know when to check those, as it will keep a time log of the last time it visited those activities and successfully performed them.

    A huge task certainly, but I am just more/less rambling thoughts on my head LOL.

    I also did notice last night, while debugging a work in progress, that with a portion of code that I used from the sniplets section (getbetween), that if the start phrase was not findable in the source, it would not exit the function, instead, it would do one of two things : Exit with a return of null if the end phrase was not findable either, or it would return a string that contained everything (from the source) that was between a startpoint (the length of the startphrase) and the end phrase.

    Not sure if this was just this one particular sniplet, or if there are other programs people made using the same code, but I imagine TNT logs all get and post requests, and trying to execute a useobject request with rubbish instead of an item's number, multiple times, probably would perk TNT's eyes.
    Zer0 likes this.