So, I have 13 MVC's left over from last year. They are all legit, of course, heh. Anyways, I thought I would do something nice and select 13 of you guys to send the card to to get the sidebar on Valentines Day. If this is not allowed please let me know-- it's not really a giveaway or something right? If this goes over well I might buy up some more of them and send them out to a few more people. I really don't have many friends on neo anymore as they left to play other games, so this is my Valentines treat to anyone who wishes to partake! So just post here if you're interested, I'll put everyones name into a hat the day before Valentines day and pick the winners. After I post the list of people who won, you can either PM me your username or just post it here. (I know some people aren't comfortable posting their username on sites like this, so that's okay. ^-^)
Be carefull people, i remember banning somone on another site claiming they had found a "glitch" and all you needed to do was give him your username... a week later accounts were frozen rapidly for silly reasons...... highly likey they gave there usernamse to a tnt member. Not saying this guy is ^^^ but just be careful
I'm glad people are interested! And I can assure you that this is not a scam or anything like that. I just like to help people out is all-- it's a nice thing to do.
Also, I'm a lady not a guy. But thank you for looking out for your fellow board members. I'm sure since I'll be sticking around this site for a while, I'll be posting more freebies and other things like graphics up for you guys.
I'm not sure who you think I am, so I don't know. But seeing as this is my first time popping into Neo related things on a regular basis in over a year-- I doubt it. Maybe this would be better to discuss over PM?