Not sure who remembers me, but a search of this forum will turn up my very old cake art and stuff. Just popped in and I thought it would be cool to show you what my art has evolved into. Naturally, the profit has increased tenfold since I started doing wedding cakes. It has come to a point where I think it's time I stop working for an hourly wage, and start collecting all those nifty profits myself. Note: I linked these from another site, so if they don't show up, let me know, I'll fix 'em. I'm just lazy! A Friend of mine from Elementary school didn't have a lot of cash for their budget wedding, so her cake was half the price it could have been. <3 I like to treat people well who have treated me well for many years. Last but not least, this is my wedding cake for my BEST FRIEND who got married this past summer. This $800 cake was my GIFT to her, though her mother seemed to understand the value of the monstrous cake more than my BFF did. However, it made taking her honeymoon easier on the wallet since she saved so much. <3 Enjoy.
God, those are beautiful! I've been trying to do something similar like that just for myself, but I can't find a fondant recipe that works just perfectly :/
These look awesome, how much time did it take you to do the teal/blue cake with all the leaves? and is fondant like frosting?
I remember you! And holy cow, I LOVE that last cake. It's pure awesomeness, I need you to make me one!!
Heheh. See, I CAN use fondant, but I just use butter cream because I aerate it by adding moisture and mixing it slowly, so it's smooth and without bubbles. I rarely use fondant, and NONE of these cakes are fondant. Fondant is a thick icing that you can roll out into sheets and cover a cake with. Butter cream is just the basic sugar icing that you spread with a spatula. If you practice enough with butter cream, you'll rarely need fondant. Plus fondant doesn't have a taste, and when it does it's chalky or not good generally. Thanks! <3 It takes a few hours to bake the cakes off, then cool them completely, level them, stack them, then ice them. After I ice them, sometimes I let them sit as long as overnight to make sure they don't crack have bubbles from the cake settling and pushing air out of the icing. THEN I decorate them. Usually I stack them on site, because I hate transporting a tiered cake already assembled. o_o It can be scary.