The Space Faerie says 'Wow, thanks, you found my Strawberry Iced Mynci!' The Space Faerie makes xxx gain 4 LEVELS!!! :funky:
I detest the space faerie. She gave me a quest for something that cost, like, a gazillion neopoints, back in the day. When I was sill on dial-up. Everyone I talked to told me to do it, and I did. I was bitterly disappointed. Congrats on actually getting something reasonable.
wait, I've played for 8 years (my oldest account is 6+), and i've never got it once. do you need premium or something?
Nope. It's just luck. And I've played for a little more than that and gotten upwards of five. But I've never gotten a Faerie Queen or a Fountain Faerie. It's all on randomnessosity.
i got 2 fountain faerie quest in a month, when i got the second i posted in a chat and got frozen for a aber >.<
yea that'll happen to ya haha. sometimes i leave a refresher on a side account for days and dont get a faerie quest within weeks. then sometimes i'd get 2 in a day.