And YES, I did write them all MYSELF. NOTE if you find a petpage containing these names DO NOT post the link since it's MY petpage.. and I don't like my username to be displayed here :] anyways, here they are: A Abanga Abdest Abegge Ablins Ablude Aboded Abraid Abraum Abrood Absist Absume Aahing Armlaib awmaey Accoil Alaxandair accumb acopic acrisy acture aculei adarce adatis adaunt addoom adempt adhort adjute admove adnate adnoun adoors adurol aeried aerier aerify affear affeer affied affrap afrite afront agamas agamic agapae agaves agedly aggest agible agnail agoing agones agorae agreer agrise agrope aguise aguish ajouan akenes albugo alcaic alegge algate algins alkyds alkyls allect allyls almner almuce almude alnage alsike amebic amidic amidin aminic aminol amioid amomum amorwe amotus amphid ampuls amucks amylic ancony anhima anicut anisic anlaut annats antiae aouads apaume apepsy aphasy apiked apneal apneas apodes abaculi abaiser abandum abasers abaters abaxile abbotcy abduced abelite abiders abietic abietin abjudge ablates ablings abluted aboding abought abrader abrades abregge abroach absciss absorpt abusion abuttal abutted applot abaculi abaiser abandum abasers abaters abaxile abbotcy abduced abelite abiders abietic abietin abjudge ablates ablings abluted aboding abought abrader abrades abregge abroach absciss absorpt abusion abuttal abutted acacine acaroid acclive accoast accompt accosts accourt accruer accrues accusor acerval acetary acetize achaian achenes acinose aptate B Bellipotent Birchol Berbice Belgol baalist baalite babiism baccare bacchic backare backbit backrag backsaw badging badiaga bagasse baggala baggier baggily bagnios bagreef bagsful baguets bagwigs bahaism bailors bajocco baldest baldish baldrib baleens balkers balkier balkily balkish ballute balmify balmily bandbox bandlet bandrol banyans banzais barbaic barbels barbing barbule barding bardish bardism bargees barhops bariums barless barlows barmote barroom barruly barware baryons barytic barytum basally basalts basbleu basic's basined basques bassock basutos batched bateful battiks bawcock bawdier bawdies bawdily bawdric bawlers bayatte beadier beadily beadmen beakier bealing beamful beamier beamily beamlet bearers beaufet beauish bebeeru bebleed beblood becomed becuiba becurse becurst bedagat bedamns bedaubs bedcord bedecks bedegar bedelry bedewer bedgown bedmate bedpans bedrail bedsite bedtick beduins bedumbs bedwarf beerier beflags befools befouls befrill begnawn beguard behests behight behoved behoves beknave belayed beldams beleaps beleapt beliers belimed bellied belsire beltein beluted bemied bemires bemourn benamed bendlet benempt benumbs benzile bepaint bepinch beprose bergylt berhyme berobed berseem berstle berthed besaiel besaile besaint besayle bescorn beseems C creosol causantin chateele cedilai caelane coudile cisied cialuna ciolint cilend casidin creadil cisandu cisandul casadna caimark callandrah callandarh cillinde ceelined charand chahand crizlie crizlei camandu camande camandee camandi cislieh candha channdae chriskie caskah cascadra cindeei chrinola civulon civula civule civul cardinael cemorra coinsta chellonian christolan D dasmarc dasmah dasmei dasmene dasmenne dairackh dankarr damnak damnai dasmienn draesien dakkaen darkrieh driscolke driscolla dricolla drizilia drisnak darnsia draphnia draphnie darphien dingosh drastisk drasnit diaelan daeflenn daerflo deaine duluin delnie deacin diniay duliev diseasefull darmaged E escorra errieso enniear eesale ecardabe ennarea enreal espending eelae eteriani enshangles elyanre ehsor efrola enalmae esadino eedra eedran edialen eannal eefra eciole F fennael feanael G gingoru gwendolynae H I JK kioliun kulloso L lealino lilinku louwiny lhifro leylaw luvrine M N O P Q R Ssuellae sueea shelmona saifann T teasier U uynae ukranella uvrisa uekhy V vandhail vixenola vixenell vixenellae vandaihl vingerz vrangie vrangler vandiesh W wendolynae X xurios xandraex xondre xayef xandreal xandaere xandrialae xersela Y yealinu yelinuo yilintu Z zhrinka zaniasol zaniasola I'll probably add more later.. + rep appriciated :]
^^ I thought this was a great idea I decided to try and find some to add to the list ^^ F Fixill Finillow Finillox Fateok Frallix Franil Fuilip Fillz H Hoppig Gosh that gets dull quick xD I will + rep you when I've + repped someone else the system won't let me + you at the moment xD