So I wanted to try something. Making a "main" account and abing on it, and on a different IP address, making 3 side accounts and a legit main account, and seeing which would get frozen faster, the one main or the the three sides and one legit main. Do this I only used the igloo, but the results shocked me: The three sides and one main were frozen, but not the other solo account. Which is making me think, that TnT catch on to us, in trading and not in ABing? Just posting my thoughts. Any comments?
Actually those are very interesting facts you got. But there can be many reasons why TNT had a lead on you. I highly doubt they will trace all the trades that goes on. But instead there is a high possibility that some user who sees your trades just so happens to get suspicious of your account age and report you. That gets you unwanted attention from the TNT. Or if your trades are advertised any way on the site. Did you sell items right away? Or did you wait a few days after ABing, or did you increase your shop size or anything rapidly? Then again..I have no idea. Just assumptions.
Nope, I made sure I kept all the trades for at least a few days, and I even traded a Secret lab map pice to the side to make it look legit. And the shop size was three, kept it small cause it was a noob account. But now that side main is generating a good deal of nps for me, so I can send some over to a main.
I'm not extremely surprised at those results. I only have one acct and Ive been abing on it for almost a month. I think trading really does a lot of people in because when you trade very valuable stuff for very inexpensive stuff, it screams that something is not right. Whereas if you ab on one acct and keep the np on one acct, as long as you ab reasonably human-like, TNT can just think you're a good restocker. I also always put restocking as one of my hobbies on my userpage.
Hmmm, I've been abing on one account for a month or two now and have not been iced. Occasionally I will ab in my spare as well... Still haven't been iced. I'm mainly legit now though.
possibly the fact that all those accounts were on the same ip is why they caught on, while the last was the only account on that specific ip. hmmm, only thing about igloo abers are that if you leave them on all day tnt can see that you've been on like 9 hours straight without a 20 min break, which is highly unlikely lol.
Yea for sure, cause My name is NOT edward cullen, and I cannot sit at a computer for hours without going to the potty. XD Guess it would suck to be a vamp and play neo.XD But i tried not to leave it on for like, more than three hours. and yes, the main account with three sides were all on one IP, while the other plain Main was on the library IP.