she showed up drunk at a basketball game the other day... and was drinking there. She got an MIP and is suspended from school, and in the process of being kicked out of National Honor Society. I told them they should have elected me :yup: I promise I won't be arrested. Actually, it was really funny. It was her, a guy and me in the running. I'm the only one who hasn't been suspended or arrested. The guy was hauled out of my Econ class and taken to county lockup over something over summer. He was also suspended earlier in the year - the principle caught him doing drugs on school grounds. lol. Isn't this just great? :lol:
Oh, sadistic joy in others' sorrows? Eh, can't call you for that. After all, that girl that I was asking for advice about a few months ago (suicidal one) decided that all her friends are conspiring against her and has been really -beep-y/hateful towards all of us lately, and now... Well, the last big dance of the year for Sophomores (and the first school dance I'll have ever gone to, gasp the wonders of peer pressure :O) is this Saturday, and she officially has no one to go with. No date, obviously, but not even a female friend to go "hang out" with. >
Wow there Anfan, I was like that at Prom last year XD I sat in the corner alone for most of the time... what a waste!