k so im gonna own the previous post on here with my song: Your eyes shine, Your face twines, When I look, You make my heart, cook. I love your laugh, I love your smile, I can not wait, Another little while Now come to me, I want you here. Now, follow me I want you near. Ill wait for you, As long as it takes. Just promis me We'll have no mistakes. Now come to me, I want you here. Now, follow me I want you near. I was scared to like you, But not anymore. Your perfect for me And thats all I care for. Now come to me, I want you here. Now, follow me I want you near. x2 Will you do me the honers, And look me in the eyes. And tell me that you love me, Have I won the grand prize?
Thanks for the feedback guys, I understand the lengthiness is a problem, but I want more feedback on the actual story that takes place. (the content)
Hrmm...I'm not sure what you're after for feedback. I can see a few typos? If you want me to be pedantic I could list them for you. 4th line, 1st verse. That comma you've added there, are you calling her a cook? Because I think you're saying that looking at the object of the song makes your heart hot. Adding the comma changes the meaning of the line. Could you clarify what you mean by "Your face twines" in the second line of the 1st verse? Because from my understanding, it means to twist something? So is her face twisting or turning? http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/twine Perhaps: Your eyes shine, When you look in mine But I'm no song writer, so you can disregard it.
You spelled honor wrong. Overall, I think it's a pretty cheesy song, but if that's what you were going for, good job.
I do agree, it does sound kind of cheesy But with good instrumental choice you could make it clash out.
I really like it, and the choice of words. With the right instruments, it could be pulled off so well.