From 10/18/2008 till 11/01/2008, It's Trick or Treat time in the NC Mall. Search the Mall, collect all 3 Goodie Bags and get a special prize! But how to get them? Check the frontpage of the NC Mall. Every +/- 10 minutes a Halloween Goodie Bag appears as newest item. You need to be quick before the item gets SOLD OUT. After clicking on the Halloween Goodie Bag, you can claim it, and you see the item in your Neopets inventory. The open the Halloween Goodie Bag to see whats inside it. What did you get?
I've collected two of the three. I've collected the Spyder bag and the Meepit bag. Apparently the third Meowclops bag is glitched and appears to be sold out when it really isnt
I actually saw it only once, and it was the meowclops one I'm not really going to bother. :yup: I always forget to check every now and then.
I actually already made a simular topic where I explain how do get them. I guess it's easier to just have one topic about one topic (lol xD) Anyways, I didn't collect any yet. I'm too lazy to look for them :b
i heard they fixed the meowclops bag earlier today, i've yet to get it though. Its the only one i need now
I got my Meowclops bag today (finally)! When I opened all my bags I got Slime Cream, Chokato Snapdragon Lollypop, Spooky Doughnut, Tropical Jelly Beans, Eye Candy, Candy Kiko Apple and my wearable was the Haunted Mansion Background. Most of the items weren't worth anything before the give away, so just SDBin' them for packrat av. B) And I don't think you can get more than one of each kind? Haven't heard of anyone doing it, anyway!
Just a quick question. Was there some kind of "glitch" with them yesterday? My side was capable of obtaining all three Goodie Bags within five minutes of refreshing. After reading the response here, I'm feeling a bit uneasy about this "luck". --- At any rate, the prizes are junk. I wish they would've done something a bit more "spectacular" with them. Like random NC items. That would've been nice. NC items are untradeable/unsellable anyway. So it's not like people would've had "advantages".
i didn't got them.but i have a question:what can i do with my Neo Cash if buying ewith this isn't available for my country?than the bags are useless too?