So, are you for or against the NC Mall? I'm one of those people who is for the NC Mall because 1, you're helping support the site if you buy stuff from the NC Mall (I think)-kinda like getting Premium, 2, you can buy awesome stuff for your Neopet and 3, instead of using Paypal to get Neocash, you can use the NC Cards instead. I was pretty disappointed when I learned we had to use paypal for the NC Mall-but instantly happy when NC Cards came into the world.
I don't like it. I don't think it's pretty to put stuff on your pets and most of the people overexatruate (I can't spell xD) and just put tooooons of stuff on their pet.. It reminds me of some kind of doll that you can put "pwetty" clothes on : D and I don't even think most of it is pretty -.- nah, I don't like NC mall .
I think im for it. I mean.. Really its not hurting anything by being on the site. and your right, it does help neopets with funds. plus all new accounts get what 150 nc? im sure its to help draw ppl in. but still... its not too bad.
Well, I think most NC Mall items look SUPER lame. Although, I understand the need for Neopets to make some kind of profit, so I'm cool with it. For anyone to be "against" something optional is pretty petty, if you ask me.
I am for it... the site has to make money somehow and alot of people use it...they have some pretty cool things...
I just want NC mall to stay the way it is now, only for fashion. once they start messing it with battledome and stamps and stuff it will really mess up the whole game economy.
I like it some of the stuff they have in there is pretty cute I don't understand why the majority of people who buy stuff from there plaster their pet in clothes though, It looks horrible.
I'm not a fan, I play b/c it is free and fun, but then again they are aloud to make money if people choose to pay for it. I'm with annoymus on this as long as they start from DB and collectibles in the game, I can live with it. ~Parisdirt
I don't like it either. I would have supported back then when I didn't cheat. But honestly I am sometimes buying their plush already. Which is at least more materialistic that pixel items.
I'm not going to pay money for items like that, but I do like when I get NC from the Scarab machine. They do have some nice things in there, but not worth paying for.
I'm against it. I think it's pointless to pay even more real money than what I already am for premium, just to get a couple of cloths. The prices on the cards are exactly cheap and I guarantee there won't be one less ad on the site if everyone starts buying nc cards. It's just another way for tnt to get your money.
I hate the majority of converted Neopets, or rather, I prefered the UC Neopets. Customisation was only brought in so NC would work, so in that vein, I'd rather it had never happened... Although I understand the need for NC to happen anyway. The more users that join, the bigger the strain on the server. The more users posting, trading, buying etc... at the same time, the bigger the strain on the server. Not to mention the bandwidth. It would become more & more difficult to make a profit if they didn't implement new ways to get into our pockets! And now that the converted pets have stopped offending my eyes, I think it's alright. It means instead of everyone having the same green chomby, you get some variation. People who like to RP their pets, or enter the BC, are given just a bit more artistic liscense. It's also another way for those smug HCers to be elitist! Which, while annoying, is also entertaining. All in all, it's a bit of fun, especially for younger players. My little bro' loves it! Although some people really take it too far; all those moving accesories are about ready to induce seizures.
I'm not really a fan. Just seems like another way to get money out of small children who see these little pretty items and want them. Just a way to make more money in other words.
I don't really like it all that much but making money is important to keep the website open so i guess it's alright just not for me i guess
I don't like it because of the fact that they converted the pets. The darigan techo use to be so cool looking but now its just retarded. And same goes to allot of colors ruined because of this. I think the grey pb got hit the hardest. I saved up for a year to get a grey pb and they changed all the pets no i don't want it. :yup:
i hate neomall it sux b/c all those stupid ppl that buy nc end up getting froze lols serves them right never spend money on a stupid website b/c ur gonna get screwed over XD
If I was into the whole customizing craze I'd probably love it. It's not even that hard to get NC stuff without paying with TNT constantly throwing NeoCash around. But since I prefer spending my time in Neo fighting in the battledome or playing games I have no use for NCMall. I'm.. neutral about this.
I think "neocash" is so ridiculously cheap and lame. Way for neopets to show off their need for money.
I think the NC mall is alright. If people want to spend their money customizing their pet, let it be. I mean, it doesn't really affect gameplay that much, just appearance.