i dont have ss.i cant beat the faerie cloud races and meerca chase 2.but i already choose the AAA.There is the way that help me by using Team Viewer. here is the link to download http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx a program that share things.2ip link together n then u can see my screen and control my computer.it is a safe way though. i'm giving out 10k for both games who can help me.plz send a mail to me.i will give u my msn.thx
He's basically sending you to download a program called team viewer. What it is (I believe) is a program where you can take over someone's screen, and either play games for them, maybe rs, or anything else really. For them to get out of the program and to stop you from doing something they don't want you to do, they can just hit ESC. Microsoft and apple use these type of programs to help people fix their computer problems. Also, one more point, when someone else takes over your screen, you can still see exactly what they are doing, that way you know they aren't going to steal something.