I need this logo To be re-vamped, and made cooler/better! Thanks! When I get NP I will pay one million to the best design! (When Zer0 pays me)
Ermm, is this supposed to be a bumper sticker or something? Because its way to big for a logo... And secondly, I DON'T OWE YOU 10 MIL, gosh...
If thats you're real address, I wouldn't disclose such Information on the internet. When you want to have someone redo your logo tell them the information (especially confidential stuff like your address) through PM's. I suggest you blur out the logo and tell them the address in a pm.
what do you think of something like this? in general. i can do a lot with it if it isn't quite right but you like the idea. and i can make the black parts transparent. just too lazy right now