need a sig that matches my avi. + rep to all who make 1. 8) ETA: sig needs to have colors matching my avi. must have some kinda image on it 'testing' related. must say 'Tester' on it do NOT put my username on it plz. however u make it is upto u if its drwan, manipulated or animated watever is fine. thank u 4 all that r made the effort is appreciated so im give +rep to all that r made.
i did want some kinda image on it. didnt really want my name on it but i guess i didnt mention that. colors r nice. +rep like i promised im still open to other sigs. i guess i need to clear things up a little so im gonna edit my 1st post. btw wat animator do u use & is it free?
yes on this site. some sigs i dont want my name on some i do just depends on how i want it to look. thats cool looking! i will use it if u take sample off it. panda it looks nicer than the others thanks 4 still trying. sig is still open 4 alternitives whenever i get tired of this 1 i can switch between them 4 a varity. 'tester' will be my permenant theme so im open to more enteries. + rep still giving 4 all that r made even if im already useing 1 this will remain open.
Took around 20 minutes to do this one, hope you like it Remember, ANYTHING that you want changed in it, just tell it to me, I'll do it asap.
not entierly wat i had in mind but it looks clean & smooth. +rep. still open 4 more if any1 wants to makem as it will be my perminant theme ETA: im kinda likeing the labratory experimental type stuff.
Ok I'll do another then Just tell me one thing, does the laboratory stuff needs to be from neopets? And do you completely dislike the background (I mean Edna) ? Cause I can make the whole image purple-d (to match your colors) and add some potions. EDIT: Here it is, hope you like it. That's the best I could do with potions from neopets. Sorry if it isn't what you're looking for.
yes i like the lab stuff on neopets. i know theres not much of it though. it doesnt have to be a potion just watever kinda lab stuff. it looks fine. if u can make the colors brighter on it ill use it. if its too much trouble its ok. the easiest way would be to fiddle with the contrast if u have that option on ure program. as always requests still open for +rep to all & thank you lazypando.
Lazypando can i ask you to pm me how did you added that SAMPLE thing on that Tester siggy ? Just wanted to know ^^
^^ Heres my attempt I wanted to try and make it look like the glow was coming from something someone was making in a lab. Didn't turn out how I wanted but the more I did to it the weirder it looked xD
thank u fendi_future. i will use it too. goncalo, yes brighter. ive always liked bright colors. i know im annoying but can u make it really bright? if u dont wanna do it thats fine. still open 4 sigs.