((I just managed to stub my toe sitting down!!?..But anyway)) I see many users offering to "create" high end neggs on request. Sooo are they buying lower neggs and just trading them in? In most cases I would have thought the profit from doing so is almost nil. What's the deal?
It really depends some people buy from shops and go to the neggery while others restock high token neggs and do it that way. Overall the profit isn't very high but if you have a good customer base you can make some decent profit.
Suggestion would be to redeem neggs a few times a year randomly; over New Year just redeem the points+buy something for a few hundred extra k.
I used to be one of those people... I'd make decent profit for usually very little work. I'd snipe two specific neggs from users shops (forget what they were called now.. cybunny negg of some sort) which were usually easy to come accross. Build up enough and trade in for SNEGG, FNEGG or CNEGG. Aslong as I didn't pay over a certain amount for the base neggs I think I was making a minimum of 100k per negg. (And I would usually get at elast enough for one per day...) I had an agreement with a domer who was statting up so always had a quick sell for the same price. I don't think there would be much profit it in these days though.. All those little things seemed to have inflated now.
I used to do this as well, but yeah I think the profits are too low these days, note that prices of neggs fluctuate as well so they could have simply redeemed the negg tokens awhile ago and just now made the neggs. truth, gambling items are quite a nifty little business that can yield some very good profits, and you can unload tons at once if you latch onto one of those quitting gambling threads. But ABing is even easier so thats what I do these days nerks and t-maps were my fav to deal with only stopped cause I was using up too much of my own merchandise LOL