
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by interhacker, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    The word "negro" is not banned on neopets, why not?
  2. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    Wiki to the rescue

    So basically, it was not a word created by someone racist... Therefore, why should it be banned ??
  3. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Its considered racist around my parts, suppose it must be everyone to there own :)
  4. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    It's because Neopets uses the same filters for all language boards. Try posting some French profanity on English boards or English profanity on any, you can't. The reason "negro" isn't blocked is because it's the Spanish word for the colour black, which was, in turn, the origin of the term.
  5. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    That's a horrible arguement. How many words out there were specifically created to be derogatory or profane? Why is bitch blocked? Why is faggot blocked? Why is gay blocked?
  6. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    Ok, since english is not my main language, I'll try to write what I was thinking properly this time.
    This word is common is other language. I mean, it's a color. A simple color. How can you be frustrated by this word when THEY choose to call themself using this word. The homosexual never said they were gay nor do they claim this word.
    Black peoples did. If someday, I decide that I'm a clown, cause my hair is the same color, and get all the world to use this word to describe a redhaired person, how can I take offence for this ?
  7. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    About the last post,
    tharoux is right.

    I know a person who is blackish in colour and likes to be called Nigger (yea sounds awful but REAL CASE) and everyone knows him like this.

    I don't see any problem. We are not haters to react to every word that we read and is processed in our head wrongly.

  8. Coldness

    Coldness Level IV

    May 29, 2007
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    Just 5 minutes away where you live (:
    I really like the second picture :eek:

    but I agree with Tharoux a bit.
    Although it might be offensive to some people.
  9. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Well, neopets started started off as an english website, and english is still the dominant language on the site. All censorships start with english, and if an engish word is deemed offensive, it will be censored no matter if that word has a different meaning in another language or not.

    I'm not black nor am I a minority, but even I can see the fault in this issue. Negro may be a "color" in other languages, but in America, it has a history attached to it, and that is why it's so "bad." Maybe it's because you're not from America so you're not accustomed to the slang and history of certain words used here, but make a trip to NY and call someone you meet in the subway a "negro" and I guarantee you you'll understand why the world is looked down upon. The word "b1tch" (female dog in cause neofriends censors me again) is frowned upon in America society as well as neopets too, but at least using it in public towards the directed social groups won't get the crap beat out of you.

    If you called yourself a clown, but 100 years later, the term "clown" is then twisted to be used in a derogatory manner towards all redheads, then yes, they can take offense to that.
    Arkley likes this.
  10. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Im from the uk and its the same here ^^
  11. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    What a ludicrously stupid argument. Regardless of what Neopets started out as (a satirical site aimed at college students with no forum filters whatsoever, by the way), it is a now a highly international game with users from many different countries. There is no need to censor the term at the expense of foreign language speakers simply because English speakers may not want to see it - specifically when that's what the moderators are for. Should they see the word used in an offensive manner by an English speaking player, they can warn/suspend/freeze them and remove the post. Censoring the term would be a statement from TNT that the over-sensitive finger-waggers of the English speaking community such as yourself are of more significance than the entire Spanish and Portuguese playerbase. And frankly, over-sensitive finger-waggers such as yourself are of less significance than growths on damp bread, let alone two entire language communities.
  12. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    This is the most ignorant statement ever lol. "What I'm doing is not wrong, it's your fault for getting mad!"

    In common everyday society (at least in America, where neopets is), the only time you will ever use the word negro or n1gger will be in a derogatory manner. I've never heard anyone use the word "negro" in a normal common conversation unless it was in a derogatory manner towards people of African descent. This is true for other words, such as f.aggot and b1tch (which are censored).
  13. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Americans are not the only users of Neopets and thus this comparison is flawed, as is your reasoning for why the word should be censored.

    Neither of which have different meanings in different languages, making this point entirely irrelevant.

    Honestly, if you're going to try to debate something, could you at least bring more to the game than "IT SHOULD BE BANNED BECAUSE I SAID SO AND I DON'T LIKE IT", because I can read that as much as I want by going to the Fox News website.
  14. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    LOL, the entire English speaking community IS of more significance than the entire Spanish and Portuguese playerbase. Answer that genius. Anyways, if a spanish word exists in the English language, but has a different and inappropriate usage in English no matter how innocent it may be in Spanish, it WILL be banned and censored. The only reason Negro isnt censored is becuase its hardly used in relation to its brother, n1gger, which of course, is censored.
  15. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    f.aggot has a multitude of meanings, and a b1tch is a harmless word for a female dog across the entire scientific field. Maybe if you expand your vocabulary a little...
  16. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    why is it that every word that is censored on neopets are english words? answer that genius
    John and WildSnorlax like this.
  17. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    No. "f.aggot" has three other meanings; one an entirely archaic term with no place in today's lexicon meaning a bundle of sticks, another the name of a kind of British dumpling, and lastly as a kind of stitching. None of these terms are in common usage in any language, even English - their language of origin. I'd go on to call this "point" your stupidest yet, but with so many to stupid points to choose from, it might not be an accurate statement.

    "B.itch" is indeed a harmless word used in the correct context, but even in such context it is rarely used, even by any "scientific fields" due to the stigma attached. It is uncommon, and as such its censoring is of no inconvenience to anyone; even in any situation were it could be used appropriately, simple alternatives such as "female dog" exist. There is no reason to uncensor these terms, and certainly none so good as "it is the name of a colour and word commonly used in two other languages".

    You argument is ridiculously flimsy and your stance has been consistently proven wrong, and your futile attempts at defending it are growing weaker and weaker. Give it up; you didn't see why it should be uncensored at first, now it has been explained to you. It's no big deal that you didn't get it at first. Making an ass out of yourself to try to defend it, on the other hand, is stupid.
    ricky92 likes this.
  18. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    They're not the only words censored, genius. Do some research before you come out with crap like that lest you embarrass yourself further. Go look up some French, Spanish, Italian or whatever profanities and try to post them.

    Let me know how that goes.
  19. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    Stigma? STIGMA? Do I hear what I think I hear? But the stigma attached to negro is okay right?

    Answer me this Mr. Ignorant, why does Yahoo answers censor the word negro? I'm PREEEETTTTY sure yahoo is more of an international base than neopets. :maha: :maha: :maha:
  20. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Oh now this is just getting laughable. You're making incorrect claims, ignoring that you're being proven wrong at every turn and resorting to taking things out of context before attempting to make a counterargument, while ignoring the things you can't counter-argue.

    However! Since you're clearly none too bright, and I don't believe in discriminating against the less intelligent among the forum members here, I shall do my best to break it down for you in a way you can understand.

    In English, "b.itch" is rarely used to mean female dog any more. It has no meaning in any other language. However, in English, it is commonly understood to be an insult. Therefor, it is censored, at no one's expense.

    In English, "negro" is an offensive term. However, in Spanish & Portuguese, it has an entirely different meaning and is a very common word. Since Neopets uses one set of filters for all language versions, it is not censored, lest it inconvenience the Spanish & Portuguese speakers for the sake of whining little pissants like yourself.

    Oh my.
    This is just too good.
    This is even better than you claiming the only words censored are English ones.
    It's too funny. Did you think you had a good point for a second?
    Are you ready to be disappointed?

    Yahoo has different language versions and different sets of filters for each.
    It is only censored on & & Yahoo Canada, etc.
    Go to The Spanish Yahoo.
    It is not censored.
    Because it is a common inoffensive word in Spanish.

    It's rare that I actually directly insult someone with such a simple term, but I think, in this case, it is more than warrented.

    You're an idiot.