I got a PM asking me if I knew when the Neofriends Birthday Giveaway Prizes would be awarded. Which made me think of a very good question. Yeah, when? Just wondering. :3 Not meaning to rush anyonee.
PM Ricky, he ran the giveaway and I think he's managing the prizes. Lol, I was gonna say "PM a mod", but then I realized that included me XD
Megs, Ricky's in the middle of converting the large prizes into smaller, manageable ones. This process may take some time, but you will definitely get your prizes!
Okay, I just want to drop a line here... I have been really busy lately, with school and real life, and I have not yet managed to sell my PCC to get smaller prizes. I have no time to be on and make neoboards to sell it, so you will either have to wait a bit more or find someone else who can do it for me. Sorry, people
Not been on for 2months now, but surely throwing it in a 2 hr auction during a busy neopets time at high increments for 100-200k below the usual price (15.9?) will be easy to sell? Anyway, real life > neopets chilly....your spelling is atrocious - <3 pando