Neopet Keyquest minigame Guides

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by CrC, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. CrC

    CrC Level II

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Neogarden Grow

    There is a bug where you can get 2 to grow at 1 time. Position your mouse to line up to the small grass blade, and slightly to the right of it.


    If successful both of the seeds will grow at the same time. If not just keep practicing.

    Now this time, position it to the right of the the grass blade of the far grass blade of the 3

    If successful both of the seeds will grow at the same time. If not just keep practicing.

    Then all that is left for you to do is switch to the cutting tool and cut the rest of the stems and win the game while only having to water the seeds 4 times total instead of 8.

    Next we have... Berry Blast
    Here is a list of Points associated with Berry Blast. You will want to go for the gray ones, and then the red/orange ones... and finally go for the purple ones. Rather simple game.

    Next we have... Nova Matcher
    You will want to try to match the closest ones in order to get the best score (not really anything special, but completes the mini games.

    Next we have... Flower Frenzy
    I noticed that on this game of Simon says... You will always see the stones around the flowers be right next to the previous one.
    Here the pattern of lines are... blue, red, green purple, (back to red of the same 2 flowers) and than finally black. Notice how all of these were adjacent to each other? If you somehow were not paying attention... You can narrow your guess down.

    Next we have... Spyder Scare
    This one is about trying to get all the ones close to the top. In this case their were 4 players, and I was red... They managed to fight for the ones on the far left, while I had the right to myself... You still want to go for the ones on the top. The only good ones are the balls because they make your spyder move faster. While the black gravity looking one prevents 1 player from moving for a short period of time (I am pretty sure it stops the leader from moving).

    Next we have... PetPet Pamper
    I can score over 2,000 on this game. The key is to hit the 3 key dirty spots. It appears the game registers your mouse on more then one location if you move it fast enough. Start with Blue on the top, and go clockwise across these points until the dirt doesn't seem to be that big. Then proceed to the green doing the same thing. Then hit the tail. Sometimes I will spend the last about 5 seconds and go onto the face.

    Next we have... Fruit Picker
    This game is probably my favorite. Quickly cut all of the fruit above your basket. Then, go to the fruit over your enemies' basket and try to throw them into yours. Do not waste time dropping them in gently over your basket. If you take at least 1-2 of theirs before they cut it into their basket. (bad screenshot, will post a new one when I can).

    Next we have... Petpetpet Snare
    If there are only 2 people you can probably get around these 3 fast enough. Common sense... If its on the other side just ignore it... You should also ignore it if it is a tightly up against another as it will take a bit of time to round it and you lose your snare if someone else snares just one.

    Next we have... Poogle Carnival Racing
    This is another game that interrupts you as your opponent performs an action. The best way to get the score is to just spam the darts as fast as possible. Trying to get a rather straight arrow approximately an inch to an inch and a half. (screenshot coming soon).

    Finally not part of the miniguide, but still important.
  2. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    Re: Neopet Keyquest Game Guides

    Umm I already posted this guide * pokes siggy *
  3. CoS

    CoS Level IV

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Re: Neopet Keyquest Game Guides

    Yeah nice guide all the same :) Keep trying :)
  4. CrC

    CrC Level II

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Re: Neopet Keyquest Game Guides

    Was going to work on a guide that consists of all the games and not just one... That is why it is game guides (with an s). I don't want to half ass 1 single game of one larger game and call it a guide.
  5. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    Re: Neopet Keyquest Game Guides

    just because it only has one game dosen't mean its half assed... it was a trick i haven't seen used in and guides before. Its cool that you want to do all the games but don't dis others every bit of contribution helps!
  6. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    No argueing ladies :)
  7. CrC

    CrC Level II

    Nov 18, 2006
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    I plan on finishing up the last 4 games or so as soon as I actually get the mini game in order to do the last 6.

    Still to come...
    petpetpet snare
    daring dig
    Faerie Labyrinth
    Fruit Picker
    Petpet Pamper
    Poogle Carnival Racing
  8. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Somewhere, lah.
    Ah the only thing I found useful here was the flower growing glitch.
    No I know why I think I saw the flowers grow at the same time when I last played.
    I thought I lagged
  9. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    Sorry not trying to argue my fault tend to fly off into the deep end lately :p ... guide is comming out good :)
  10. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Are Daring Dig and Faerie Labyrinth still active minigames? I have been playing very often recently and have not encountered either of those games at all...I thought they must have been trashed...
  11. CrC

    CrC Level II

    Nov 18, 2006
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    The only way I think Faerie Labyrinth would be active is on Terror Mountain... When I play KQ i play wtih a friend of mine and we split 5 and 5 games... We can blast through the neo central map in about 5 minutes, but the haunted hallow map takes us about 10 minutes. So we never play the springtime map or the Terror mountain map.
  12. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Somewhere, lah.
    And could you include how to make the game less laggy (if you dont know, pm me)
    that would help other users.
  13. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    I don't think there are any good ways of doing this...have as few other programs as possible running in the background, and just hope for the best. Playing KQ causes FireFox to use a hugely exhorbitant amount of physical memory, so if you don't have it available, you're pretty much just screwed.
  14. jaxmyne

    jaxmyne Level I

    Jul 20, 2009
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    This is a good guide. I like it. :yup: