So ever since the pound got fixed with the new transfer button there had been alot of neopet trading going on on the pound board. What do you think of this? I am surprised that neopets is allowing this, since they never allowed the buying or selling of neopets. This is just the same thing. Anyways i have some pets im trying to get rid of, mabey you guys can help me out as far as value. A Mutant Grundo What do you think the neopets trading value of this is? Im shooting for a maraquan pet possibly. Also Sponge Lupe Since its a lab only color its hard to place a value, and it seems to be a very unpopular color.
you can trade neopets but it has tobe 1 for 1 it was on an editorial in the neopian times and the pets dont really have a price but there color does and how the species looks also effects what people will offer and some people are verry name picky so if they dont have good names you wont get really good offers
i think neopets only allowed it because they knew with this whole transfer thing people were just going to do it regardless. i doubt you could get a maraquan with a mutant though, and tons of people like sponge if its unconverted.