Addons to the program: - incorporated to send the activation code as soon as it's sent on the mail - auto-completer - an Newbie pack auto-clicker :lol:
yeah the account creator thats not in SCAR but the thing that does it for u to do the codewould be hard or When we get the code u just paste it in and it will log in for u and do it instead of log in on all the account
i think that would be useful, seeing as many people use hotmail and those that dont can create an account
The problem is thet every mail account can have a max of 5 accounts... I was making it, but I stopped. It's hard to auto-register a e-mail account for every neo account created...
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, u just have to register each account with a different hotmail account or they get mass frozen, i've tried it before