Well I recently bought a new phone. Cell phone that is. What is special about it? Well I am on it right now. And I can do most things from neopets on it, within reason. But now with out fail I can purchase my scratch cards every two hours and train my pet on the dime. What are other peoples opinions on web browser phones like the G1 and the Iphone?
My phone, the Samsung Instinct, Has full web browser. I can do anything on the internet exept play flash games. But still. I luff it. <3
I personally have the G1, and like Orange I have a full web browser minus the flash. But the productivity remains the same.
When I had my iPhone, the web browsing was great because it was so easy and so quick. I was on it all the time The iPhone STILL has the best web browser.
My iPhone has awesome web browsing. Fast, and it displays everything correctly. Whoever thought of putting a web browser on a phone was a genius, I couldn't go back to a phone without one!
Phones with web browsing capabilities scare me. Mainly because there are those less intelligent people out there who are guilty of texting while they're suppose to be driving on the highway (for some reason, these people often change lanes without a turning signal, are usually going 10-20 MPH over the speed limit and seem more concerned with their messages than the other motorists around them) are the ones who now have the ability to browse the web while driving. So now, they've got a whole new reason to ignore their surroundings and cause a potentially fatal accident. I realize, not everyone is like this. And I understand that not all people guilty of "toying" with their phone while driving cause accidents. But, it's been my experience that the majority of people who use their cell phones when driving probably shouldn't. Especially if they drive a manual. Me personally, I have no major use for a phone with web browsing capabilities. Although, it would be nice to have it during those long, boring doctor's visits. The ones where you sit around in the waiting room for forty minutes, only to be taken into a room where you're left alone for another forty minutes. -sigh.- Oh my. I've started rambling.